IDEX.                            585

PAPEns AND JO'urN.Ls, not to be removed trom the Clerk's table..       6
     rules resp)ecting their preservation ...........................  66
     reading of, how far they maybe called for ......................  79
     referred, usually read by title...  ........................... 79
     to be left with conferees of the House, according to conference 99
PARDONS, President may grant, sec. 2, art. ii, U. S. Con ..............
     Governor m. y grant, sec. 6, art. v, State Con...... ............ 26
PARLTA.ENT, each House may adjourn independently of the other..    103
PATENTS to be granted to inventors, sec. 8, art. i, U. S. Con ..........
PENSION AGENT FOR WISCONSIN. ........................... o ....... .450
PERCENTAGE of total vote cast for President .........................274
PERSON.s, all entitled to a certain remedy in the laws, sec. 9, art. 1,
       S t a t e C o n . . . ..                                     2 0
     held to service of labor, ther importation or migration into the
       United States may be prohibited after 1898, sec. 9, art. i, U. S.
       Con ...................................................     6-7
     escaping from one State to another, shall be delivered up to
       those entitled to service, see. 2, art. iv, U. S. Con ............
t l
     of Wisconsin holding Federal appointments .................. 448-453
PETrro_-r-, right of, first amend to U. S. Coa .........................
     and remonstrance, distinction ............ ..................  71
     to be presented by a m      itnimz. t: fo:'m, etc..... ..............
     to be 1)recribeI or written by petitioner .................. .. 71
     must gi) to committee through the House ...................... 71
     question as to rezeivill,                 ..................   71
PETITIONS, to be indorsed, assenbly rule 31 .. .. .  .............. 145
     contents of, to bh st.ited, senate ruie 31  ......131
                             assembly rule 3 .................. .145
Pmty. Congress to prescrlbe punishment for, sec. 8, art. i, U. S. Con.  6
PLA~rEVILT.E. -NoRML SCOOL .   ............................. 351-352
POPULAR . OTE for Preside'nt by States  5........................ -267
     at Presilential elections, total ................................. 
POLULATION, United States................ .. ...........  ......   391
     Wisconsin .................................................... 391
POSTAGE, rates of ..................................................... 
POSTAL CARDS .................................................. .911
POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS, rates of. .   .  .   .  .  .   .  ..     391
POST OFFICES and Post Roads, establishment of, sec. 8, art. i, U. S.
       Con            .................   ......................      6
     in Wisconsin .........         ........................ 396-407
     first, second and third class in Wisconsin .....................  393
POSTPONE, indefinitely, effect of a ques'ion to ....................... 
  ,  beyond  session, effect of  ...................................... 
POWERS, mi!itary, to be subordinate to civil, sec. 20, art. i, State Con.
     not delegated to congress nor prohibited to the states are re-
       served, 20th amendmient to the U. S. Con .................... 14
     legislative (See "Congress ").
     executive (See "President ").
     judicial (See "Judicial ").
PREAMBLE, last considered.........................                  75
PRECEDENCE and propriority of motion, discussion of ..............  79-84
PEE-EMPTION, to settlers on canal lands to be granted ................  41-45
PPESENTS from foreign powers to public officers prohibited, sec. 9,
       art. i, U . S. Con  .... .......................... ...............
PRESIDENT OF ThE SENATE, Lieutenant Gov rnor to be, sec. 8, art. v,
       State Con ....................................................  27
     duties of, senate rule 2........... ..........1........131
     to administer oath. senate rule 49 ..............             1i9
     to appoint committees, senate rule 3 ......................   131
     to sign warrants and subpoenas, senate rule 3 ..................  131
     to name President pro tein., senate rule 4 ....................... 
     provided by the constitution .................................    co
     may  appoint chairman ......................................... 62
     pro tem., to be chosen in the absence of the Vice President... 60
     pro tern., at what time his office-shall determine ...............