INDEX.       "

STATES PROIIBTED FR0OM--                                    Page.
     enteing into a treaty, alliance or confederation, sec. 10, art. i,
       U S. Coi ...... ....... ............. ......... ............   7
     granting letters of marque, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con...........  7
     coining money, sec. 10, art. 1, U. S. Con .........    ... ....    7
     emitting, bills of cre-lit, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con ............
     making anything a legal tender, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con         7
     paying bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, or laws impairing
       contracts, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con  ............................
     granting titles of nobility, see. 10, art. i, U. S. Con..............
     laving duties on imports and exp rts, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con.  7
     laying duties on tonnage, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con..
     keeping troops or ships of war in time of peace, sec. 10, art. i,
       U. S. Con .....7.....................                            7
     entering inti any agreement or contract with another state or
       foreign power, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con ....................   7
     enga-ing in war, sec. 10, art. i, U. S. Con ..................    7
STATIONERY for use of state, to be let to the lowest bidder, sec. 25,
       art. iv, State Con ......................................       25.
STATISTICAL LIST O'." sen:tors for 1S91..... ............... .......
                of senave officers and emploves for 1831 ............  530.
                f a=-er0.v531-5 :or 13........................     1 533
                of a-sr  \- o1r ,1moyc' fir l      ..Sl....    53I
 STATISTICS. educational .........................................     5
     ejecti n .i .......................................................
     railroad ................... ..................................  43.-2134
 STrIKE OUT and insert, discussed ...................................  83-90
 STYLE OF LAws. sec. 17, art. iv, State Con ........................... 
     writs and process, sec. 17, art. vii, State Con  ...................
 SUFFRAGE, laws maybe passed excluding certain persons from right
       of, sec. 6, art. iii, State  4ion... . .... .................... 
 SuiTs against State, sec. 27. art. iv, State Con ............         "25
      tax on, sec. 18, art. vii, State  Con .......... .... .............
      at common law, proceedings in, 7th amendment U. S. Con ..
 Suilargest to be  first put  ....................... ......... .........
. 63
 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUnLIC INSTRUCTION, how elected, sec. 1, art.
       x, State Con ..................... .  ................   3 3
       hi- powers, duties, and salary, sec. 1, art. x, State Con.       
       State ...........................................................
.   473
 SUPERINTENDENTS, county .........................     .......... 422-4 23
 SUnERVISORS, county, Legislature may confer certain powers on, sec.
       22, art. iv, State  Con  . ..........................
 SUPREMIE COURT, United States .................................. 461
                Wisconsin ..................................         46b
      number of Judges increased, amendment to sec. 4, art. vii, State
      Con                      .......... *................     48
      judicial power vested in. sec. 2, art. vii, State Con .............
      to have appellate jurisdiction only, sec. 3, art. vii, State Con ...
      is general powers, sec. 3, art. vii, State k on ................. 
      Circuit Judges to be Judges of, sec. 4, art. vii, State Con ........
      separate, may be formed, sec. 4, art. vii,. State Con ...............
      number of Judges to constitute quorum, sec. 4, art. vii, State
      C on  ........... ...........................................   29
      number of Judges of necessary to a decision, sec. 4, art. vii,
      State Con ........ .....................................         29
      Judges of, to be classitied, sec. 4, art. vii, State Con ............
      term of Judges of, sec. 11, art. vii, State Cn i........ ......  30
      Judges of, to appoint Clerk, see. 12, art. vii, State Con .........
 SURVEYORS, list of county        ........      ............ 422-423