fl  bfl. -eh  elpiet , e.tt, tipieot  , S to.........
sal  oi4# peble cat-3*        0 a10a
"-wbete-hsinkr* centered no tches; 5ba 5
i lli.
30N-notched sinkero, shale, *ttset notes;i SO a &O a lbs.


;rundsg stonL, sandatone;  41 x 42 x 14 ri.
Flak0e, chart, nwrkodJ  64 a  0 x 9  m.

M0  (W-rinding stoo.,.oaodston, orvbably fro   same piee as #83;
*4 x 38 x i m.
3"3  Griltnfg stono, sandstone;  58 x 41 x 8 its.
364  Notched tr*,ment, ndeitf;    45 x 41 x 12m.



reota   rapient, slate, uaelassifiable;  17 x 9 x    .
lamp, natural formation, basalt;  104 x 89 x 3 am.
Sew, sandstone, bevdled edgej   66 x 61 x 12n u.
tflu, tPe #1, ehevty hale, hewed edge, greuci itso,
rutnd to stapo, back edgos not roehoedJ     x
-1 x4    .
Pleing inatrment, groud point, slate, grnd finishl,
faeotod blade., honed double edges, taprim ,stem,
ro'sd base, shoulde rj 9   a  a x 5. I

370  Dart or anew point, *lata, rud fitch, faoeted blat.,
bene ed   s. suotlO.... , taporing ste. conveX
base    Hal x  0 aSum.
371 Straight egod knfo, rpo #1, slato, ehlpp*d to shtape,
jr        0 , -.         -!  116 x M oz. ans.
reMwd 0sitsbonedede       16440' 5-
371    nifo fragpont, typo fl, slate, shippe--    o shape, groud.
itos, boned ede;     30 x $  x 4 m .
.373  fNWnotehod sinker, andesito, offst notcho-      66  45 a
13   .
374. Lknble-wnttehed sinker, andesite) 63*53 6 a13 me*


Ground framment, chert, unclasslfiabl. 11 a 9 x S -o
Level 100/11 o.

Flake,    uartuite;   31 x 10 a6 mm.

