

146 PInn#ids* bliae *tl.t# shapedby pareussiao flaking
qu*ttIle thIt it is em edae; 4. 9 a0 on.
10  triaular flake, not rtev*ebad, pre3ably a bfa blast,
sla to; lala1  .no
ISO $I*      L nako5bfalse,9-but fitting Is ineancluuive;
151       baIote-f-eijmt,  the 1e1rted ao e dge hntvio,
R xo   &x I    ?
164 1sfted asti!1.d sie nateI, eeda ito; 79 a s6 a s .
15 I   nd stn"%# m.j..0mt, efleec40 table, eowrty saleo
shal oa U1     a x 7a.
164 ite IsaOr,old *ime saas flking o  cuer. so urftem
along edg, ehert; 59  x 48 x 7.

157  b   n..teh  aiste a, ea ter notehed, s hle;  43  3x   x7 w.
1-M  '.mthe          tr setebas enatered, datable vv*tehed end,
shale;   7  1 2lxta.
10   OIodstaone t remmnt, unclasiftiblo, slate;   41 x 17 r 5 a.
10   flake, slate;I 40 a $5 a&ms
141  vei~d pebble, qusrtsibe   41 a 33 a 21 m.
106  tel.     warteee  Is a*16 a2I s.
14   Pela,    iawrte      a Hx36 a 55 ur.
164  Chlppd blad el    nt, slate;   aparently ean-plete eeOpt
tir Sa*tin  portion of chippe   edg* ;  chippod;
16S ftwnetehed sinker, shale;     effect notches; 79 a 50
144  Pestle-sh&ped peeking stone, basalt; 118 a 3*5 a 31 er.*
Is? 'atas, sedaw e       81 a 41 a  I.5 n6 .
I"   PlIningadis* blade; baalt;    chipped body, ogred edgo
SO £o3*a law.

A, 16-  -90#1  OhrIo.ts aIf.te;
Itd..o -tft  "*1   -144o  seoOf o  O sito!
S* i.ft       te0t3
lh~nt    * aOflat  Owsstl";4* a 34 a 10 on.
isua.MfapatMet..itble sble i*9 a9-
Sit.ta efltii in &aem&a  rest  e sla  xt;
SIA*.  a* 3Vrait O60 amo-I