
utn-        brid 'tb?."a.5W0.11s
m.slla               p  .
A         ef         a  nA.     to pem e  is th
. 1  t            *  uand u  be Ismibe    a tel lesso
A agiedat..l,'gp                eegma      te       i
sa   l-, iwreup-   raqu or        .tbn       Sea.&A--
tutisb        -f..   .ee .flSt  Net er Urn   eoe
*      a ein)    twe a O   fit            tees
ussor Sio i. ia. beeo bee at eauboe of shinte ant
pa    ..a s  Iletd, sliafyraseod ebve th m tior, epa
thuin  ti    neae of  atelm and setings er reugh ha
pinks, and osm    a   a lIttl.e1.oeeti   built p of
pot *r se. knete     a smallb- i  Wit bulgig
sit.. is oetod over tho asrecO, s    o by thlS *e
panoies       is aftrted tor ho keepingtof uteonlls
aed w.tor veaols and as a  ohlter for dogs ,  med i
fliI adjoLning nest of theg bouOe will be fed a
s    e  kitebe, a rude metesof no, wlled In
and eive     over with seda, with an openig at the top
to give vent to the smoke. TIes are entirely above
greed, raely over five or six foot In dimtoer...
I  tho interor regions, uore beth ful and
building material are more abundant, tho hounes
eha gte aetIt in appoarnee and ceetruetion; the
aoeavatis of tho east houoes, me* for the puMoso
of savung both artile just mntloneod, disappears
and Mgive. wly tO log structures above the g*rad, but
still tovod with  ed...(Petraf, 1fl4, p. 1).
It Is apparent from the above qotations that the oes
hoes t-yp of the Bristol Day region mas of ens-oeeconstruetion.
Yet an Individual house sheltered a *onidorabl nmber of pero
The table appendod to this chapter ndicate. that Men;
the Agleniut inhabiting   o th e  seettord vll.agea  n the
sandy northshareo at te peninula ob dwlling IS
oenupiet by sevoeal failiaos. Th, at Pabsik we tind
24 feilieliing 18in 8 heusea, at tlnngshik IS ffilieos
in 10 basses, ae at Neehik 15 famlie in 6 dweollings,
Sitle san; the same tribe,. in the timbeed country
about brisetol Day, men~ tha 2 famlie are rarely found
eSdor the seeo weet. It ees evident, therefaro, that
only the seareity et building  material causat then to herd