
Offtetbestsae  the evidmeo at       , we f el thet the        t
patte  peesibly einotdes with the later KobS ivr s eqooes.
hOn tesis of      omporison with the Kbuk River a.terLel
. tdtlne    0 10),  oe alaost ero afor whieh there is aebsoluto
Kttq b   deldr       leg, we tind that tho It metoral
deusastretes closest relsticshinps with the Ukseavik site, whish
is doted 1400 AoD. lowevr, seh a relative &ate may be to oarly
for  t  Ree    at moterial, siaeo the -  --t ptory stylo      N ao-
pare with IntermWeiteKetsbe plalin were dtE       1550 AD. , and
evon late fam   trm Ambl  e IslaS, dted 1730-40 AD. (bid.,
po*94)o* hnbs"Oing 111Mthat thes Retest aterUiel may be earlier ar
later than the   b    Rivor matorial, we tentatively aseti  a be-
gimiag date o armed 150    A.D., ad a tenaml date of 191  Ad..
ftr aestlasal aeeuptia of the [atsi latieal Remmat e as.
The rqan sureyed areheaelagieaolly Is sees; #oe eultual and
oeaelsme uit. with fluetuating   oeeseal sa     t s to utillse tlSb
and beth lad sad. sea e   lso
Zn view at the aeove emidartieas, the fallewing prejeeta
are reeaodd tar future raaera in th Resea=t rnaelm
1.. Cesliwed arPeheeelegisal ivestigations1, (a) ta attIn~l larger