pr                                         .......... ..........  . . . . .
-         I Mk V  aW          U     ooW l44amowto aW p.
fr  4p-" toe  iplo.n ia i atmnwny me ooo  caoe  wiof t
Lapse  1. Fgure 4, o, is
WhinE tinallings Is on ve ynrw atooSgke.itl
a pill "g (Plate XIV). This t  of storag* hos fod
whw     t    rtIol oy own (#urr, imn, 1. .i. )?l  Itsro-
tt ldeteils ore quitesmpe.Por pilings of plOlgS
to fl on in diomotor, woro" t two as-te open to to m  n
oat.Sifojtrim I to 1.,6 moors oboo the g d * Strisgr ne
plo   oW - * th   Mi len th. os of llok m   noteho, a.
floorot5rougly  ueod opeueo logs bult so tbot It proj tod
ut obet SO a a the rivor sito Th  l mle swor at. oft Its
plats 7 by S am, notched ad dotilod tlOehe at th aint
loe fls en id, Pims o nl hoItIOt o abetsĀ¢ motor, Os oboe I moto asno. te  apmesogo. oboeS S
to a -*In  floar, lild olt b tide eeo  o" to ton the nist--
ot ae eonterimo, tamod the sheting. A lar t    tid
by polos osple   the roof. An ostrleOc, n k1y 75a e1.n, me
out In t he st. toein the river. frod witlh boa lrmbon llhm
piebtydeerq by ethe r floa te   9tltwether or pb-.d -  ;a
binge.. Figure 15 ~~~ o sheatego- ,  fo ig  bre