bONas*"taoa                                                  t
.f 3hs    W .i.sp ... .V. S..m.nt ui.
lluMeq te will eate lo -e e, awmInbtia.
Thu pntea    edaam in         e    n     :4Wtq et
Sa  itm   tihet  it  nm ust  halve  Iem  Of  oente bl   S w et n  is
Pearly this voIetity Ws leeSm a m      oasM-  ot
]A to pOn rtho trtin o'theeev-mble i     at Dangle
sttie  beeo~    bflnitienlt , and hh  satin. an~
to net distnt hmting pw    s awit the Oeist-
seeo   athe tuuNWwws *kfn  mtue terd aw P!v et these
]peple i sill qito ab"dat.   b 0oee tees wi
fb aMndhalibut, end the atwaeue with Nesmes, a,    d
her s*l ao platful aulon  theosw  dewing the wintor
Of land  Nrs the l  otter and fao are the mst Inportent
Siwce 190, t the lstest, the site has hod intbrmittant eupation
by *Iamd lgors. The oU. S. Psth and ldlifo Servieo mintained a
stream guerd pest there in 1953, manned by Mr. Otis Mafian ot
Hmotn  Toen.
The villa O of KaqpaYek lies* bout oneequrter mile south of tin
prommtery delimiting the southern shsore, *fl th  body efL weor new
sale l M g   Ray.Dm   The  siL~to  is  boun.ded  oa !the  nrt h t~~ by  a  marshy  bet.-
teased1 thlat is eperated twros the oeeen by a lee send dte, through
whisk  a  sluggislh  tweak  vote~r  crer k  aoeedags.  Th  village  is  bearded
a theo west by a beech severe  t1 le and birebo wthl eeeai omel