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61*4at      ;flh S a  alx a.M

Platig ed~ nat; bont; cIpp A tnt
3 In.mo

lb-itfrreeeut, 9pfl,       ele; otipedand greet, ehippetbie.
Mfl*. p~s   0   41a S urns
*P  10stale; Oetipped and ground. surfaeso greun,
ed  s  hlpred; fl    ? z lie.
630 4rpon tip, felt1ewr; prOund, faceted blade, hons       edgs,
no stm  f etS,      eeevea baso  r   :    x0x29 ax3, m.
831  Point tip frosont, teldspar; g und, honed edges, unclassli
f iable  21: 15 x 2 m.


Polished fragment, shale; ground surfaces, unclfsiiflble;
z4 a 35 x 6 .

£33  Chipped and around fragment, adze blade frapient     ?)j
limey chert; clipped to shape, surfaces    roUnd;
80 x 52 x 1 mm.
634  (ntf, 4pe #1, shale; clipped to shape, ground surfaces,
honed edge; 76 a 3x  x 3 a
635  Knife (hatted?), fpe #2, sasit; ehipped to shape, chipped
edve; 71 x 29 x 8 a.
I,-',  Pressure tool, bone; 84   16   9  r .


$.37  hlrm-ed and ground adze blade frawent, besalt;   .nned,
beveled edge; sides and body chipped; 38 x
35 X 7 S.
68  .nd scraper(?), basalt; prepared cortieal flake; workirg
edre *uretouched, worn with use; 36 x 2C    7 in.
639  Polisned fragment, shale; s aped like a 'turved imife
blade, but no working along edges;   88 x 3? x
4   m.-
540  Polished stone, shale; uraelassifiable;  27 x 1  x 5 run.
