1    ., Zseflaw, marta-sirenOplaf                   l
Lume   a   ln(bdp.7)h             bevsthat they 'derina ver
eg.o peep rtien of or  i  ateistneo from the ,var Olakts of salmem,
Stlob frqt  e t the rivel  In athe pest  abMdanee.  f seana
hasting be reperts O'the natives of tbo oest villages are slrs-emtenm,
mi ooceesetnally put out to sea in pursult of whales' (Ibid., p    in).
No states furthor that they are Christlans, 'but retain all their femo
eustem  and superstitions, ar   expert lvory earven, ad display only
dialeetie differences from their northern neighbors.    In the  1th
Coets report we find that In cone with their northor   noehbors,
the ftskoiut, Nushagagmlut, and Kiatapmlut, they posseass the sae
types of somiesubt1eraan houses, sealskin canoes (kayaks), wlusw-
tusk spear, sprueo bow and Ivory tipped arrow, bone barbed harpoon,
'and fish with the sane kind of bobhooka, hand nots, ad wieker fish
traps.*  The kayaks 'only diLplay tne 'sus tr"bal Jitfornceos of
design'  (1893, p. 93).
A pieture of village sites, house structures, and methods of
preserving food is gained from the following quotationss
The Aglemiut, livingo n the. low freeless coast of the
Alaska peninsula, osetruet their dwellinga hiefly wader-
lnw    Sm, mith         A  roof of drittned amd lods, the latter
efte1 reinfored withb wsts hide.  tbale ribs sa
often found in thee strutures, serving[ as rafters or
pes ts. 5Teir villages are .11 situated ow the beaks
of salmo stresms or t ida is, ead seem te have
boee loented with but very little RflO-'d for a fresh
wtrsupply, being set on low yo      te  factl ita te
te'snein      of somn hed     in hole. in th  eanrth,
hair t lled with staret s tat, toneing qui te a eore
o f hidEs pit falls arniE oeh settlenont. teno dritwood
or other time is toe sane tO pent Of the con-°
-... s truection o f Kugga ts th  blubber ad noet of saol and