Brooch, 122 
- safety-pin like an Etruscan, 102, 
- the buckle, a, without hasp, 125 
Brooches, pin ring, 125 
- to fasten tunic, 27, 17 
Buckle, 125 
Bulgaria, shoe money in, 177 
Burden, primitive method of carrying 
  a, To6, io7 
Busbies, caricatures of, 247, 248 
Busby, 238 
- development of, 59 
- of Rifle Brigade, 242 
- origin of the, Sir George Darwin 
  on, 58, 59 
- red flap on, 59, 59 
Buskins, 195 
Bust, padding used to improve the, 338 
Butcher's blue blouse, 320 
Butterman, white clothes of, 320 
Button, 1i8 
- covered with crape, 243 
--Mr. P. W. Reynolds on the sur- 
  vival of a, 248 
  Buttonholes, exaggerated on uniforms, 
- knotched, 146 
- laced, 146 
- on the backs of coats, 27, 27, 28, 28 
Buttons, 24, 248 
- antiquity of, 120 
- as chronicles, 25 
-done up differently by men and 
   women, 21, 23 
 - horizontal row of, on sleeve, 36, 36 
 - meaningless, on ladies' dresses, 120 
 -- numerous, on sleeve of undervest, 
   38 ; Plate IV, facing page 38 
 --of brass on Dutch skeleton dress, 
   145, 145 
 - - Legion of Honour, 158 
 -- man's coat on right side, 20, 20 
 -- page boys, 144, 145 
 -- woman's coat on left side, 20, 21 
 - on coats of Grenadier Guards, 29 
 --   cuffs, 35, 35 
 -- overcoats of Commissionaires, 
 - - postilion's jackets, 38 
 -- sleeves of clergy, 36 
 - - the back of coats, 26, 26, 27, 28, 
   29, 3A, 32, 33, 34 
 - -the back of tramway driver's 
   coats, 30, 31 
 -- o~roblematical, x   
Buttons replaced by knobs in the East, 
- vertical row on sleeve, 37 
CALTHROP, Mr., on survivals of the 
  chaperon, 158 
- - - the costume of Harlequin, 
- - - - evolution of the cockade, 
- -    -- origin of the cockade, z59 
Camels, cowry shells on the trappings 
  of, 297, 299 
Cameron Erracht tartan, 242 
- tartan, 242 
Canaries, yellow, 303 
Cane of drill sergeant, 241 
Canes, be-ribboned, x24 
- tasselled, 125 
Cannibalism, probable origin of, 337 
Canterbury Cathedral, shield, helmet, 
  and surcoat of Black Prince in, 87, 
Cantlie, Dr., on short jackets, 356 
-- - the effect of insufficient cloth- 
  ing, 355, 357 
        -  use of belts, 356 
 Cap, college, 47, I69, 212, 214 
 - Hungarian, 238 
 - judge's sentence, 217 
 - line of Lancers, 241 
 - livery, 146 
 - of Beefeaters, 168 
 -- dignity, ecclesiastical, 213 
 - - housemaid, 149 
 --   Hungarian peasant, 59, 59 
 - - nuns, 201, 203, 204 
 - - the Lancers, a Polish head-dress, 
 - Scotch, streamers of, 53, 54 
 - statute, 168, 348 
 - Tudor fiat, 214 
 Cape, combined with hood, 156, 157 
 Caps not to be worn by married 
   women, 350 
 Cards, playing, show Tudor dresses, 
 Carolines, haircombs of West, ix8 
 Cases of brass for waiters' buttons, 144 
 Cassock, 2oo 
 - of Benedictines, 198 
 - once generally worn, i86 
 Casula, forerunner of the chasuble, 
 Cater cap, 212 
- problematical, x c 
Cattle honls ....... nz