The portrait of Jan Steen, which we reproduce, 
shows bands which are less stiff and formal, but of 
ampler proportions. (See Figure 38.) 
  Going a little further back, we find the collar that 
covered the shoulders, such as Milton wore, and 
which is shown in our picture of John Pym. (See 
Figure 39.) 
FIG. 38.-A stage in the reduction of  FIG. 39.-Full-sized bands (por- 
  the bands (portrait of Jan Steen  trait of John Pym from the 
  from the IllustratedMagazine ofArt).  Illustrated Magazine oj Art). 
  At this point we may pause to recall a simple article 
which is known as a bandbox, but which has been 
diverted from its original purpose of holding bands, 
and is now commonly used as a receptacle for hats. 
Though not itself part of dress, the bandbox furnishes 
an interesting instance of adaptation to circumstances. 
It was well suited to contain articles of dress other 
than those for which it was primarily intended, and