NO.                                              PAGE 
41. See Number 40, page 423                     . 273 
42. "Costume in England," by F. W. Fairholt. Re- 
      vised Edition, 1885, Vol. II, page 303    * . 278 
43. "The Whole Stock of a Coquette," by Helen C. 
      Gordon. English Illustrated Magazine, February, 
      igo0, page 451   .     .     .      .     . 279 
44. "Costume: Fanciful, Historical, and Theatrical," 
      by Mrs. Aria. i9o6, page x99,      .      . 281 
45. "Curiosities of Literature," by Disraeli. Vol. I, 
      page 186                  .               . 283 
46. See Number 19, page 20         .            * 287 
47. See Number 42, page 240     .         .     * 289 
48. "Suggested Moorish Origin of certain Amulets in 
      use in Great Britain," by Dr. Plowright. The 
      Reliquary, Vol. XII, i9o6, page lo6 .     * 293 
49. "Horse Brasses,"   by Lina Eckenstein.    The 
      Reliquary, Vol. XII, I906, page 251 .     * 293 
50. "Animal Artisans," by C. J. Cornish, i9o6, page 
      251.                ..             .      . 300 
51. Article by Mr. Yoxall in TheJournal of Gipsy Lore, 
      new series, Vol. I, part 1, 1907 .        . 306 
52. Article by Mr. J. Chevasse. Evening News, April 
      5th, I907 .      .     .     .      .     . 316 
53. Article in The Daily Mail, September 4th, 1907  . 317 
54. "Essays on Museums and other subjects connected 
      with Natural History," by Sir William Flower. 
      1898, page 350         .            *     * 324 
55. See Number 37, page 91   .     .      .     . 325 
56. "The History of the Corset," by Geraldine Vane 
      and F. Glen Walker. Lady's Realm Summer 
      Number, igoI     .     .     .     ..     . 326