way similar to that described as being the case on the 
coats of His Majesty's postilions. On looking at an 
old book'7 of fashions we find that a costume called 
the "Dutch Skelton Dress" was very fashionable 
for young boys in 1826 (see Figure i 15). In this we 
FIG. IxI4.-A modern page-boy's 
FIG. xi5.-The Dutch skeleton dress, 
   fashionable for boys in 1826. 
find that there were brass buttons arranged in three 
rows, similar to those we have just described. It is 
difficult even in the modern page-boy's dress to see 
the lower edge of his coat, but in the case of the 
small boy of 1826 it was impossible, because his 
trousers were buttoned on to the outside of it. 
  The name of the skeleton dress is interesting, 
because it points to the buttons marking out the 