The clothes of Punch were plain, and illustrations 
made in I63O are similar to others made a hundred 
years later (see Figures 149 and I 50). 
  Originally, also, Punch does not seem to have had 
FIG. x5o.-The Calabrian Giangurgolo of 1731, with the long nose. The dress

        is very similar to that figured in 163o (after Riccoboni). 
a ong nous.   e Iix axtggetrL-U Iose is, ihowevt 
on the representative of Punch which flour 
Calabria, and which went by the name of 
gurgolo" (see Figure i5o). 
  The French Punch is called Guignol, of w 
derivation cannot be directly traced, but Mr. 
has made an interesting suggestion that in t]