NOTE.-The numbers in heavy type refer to the pages on which figures 
                         will befound. 
ABESSES, costume of, x98 
Abergavenny, the Marquis of, wears 
  badges, 91 
Academical dress, 2o8 
- hoods, 2io 
Achievements, styles of, 87 
Acrobat, dress of, 286 
- tights of, 286 
- trunk hose of, 286 
Admiral, uniform of, worn by cox- 
  swains at Eton on the Fourth of 
  June, 171 
Africa, the West Coast of, little 
  clothing worn on, 8 
Aggries, 113 
Agilbert, Bishop of Paris, ring of, 114 
Aiglets, 1oo 
Aiguillettes, 101, I0o 
- Mr. Caton Woodvile on, 240 
- of aides-de-camp, 240 
--    footmen, 141, W41, 240 
- - Household Cavalry, 240 
-- a Knight of the Bath, 231 
- -      Knight of St. Michael and 
   St. George, 231 
 Ailette, 84 
 Albe, 198, I99 
 of James II, 221 
 originally a secular garment, 189 
 replaced by surplice, 185 
 Alhambra, 293 
 Almshouses, costumes of, 170 
 Almuce, 198, i99 
 - forerunner of the tippet, 212 
 Ambassadors, cockade of Danish, i6o 
 --- English, I6o 
 - - --Foreign, i6o 
 - - - French, i6o 
 American, dress of the, 318 
 Amethyst, supposed powers of the, 
Amice, 200, 221 
Amulet, arrow-head, 296 
Amulets buried with the head of 
  ancient Egyptians, x22 
- crescent-shaped, 293 
- heart-shaped, 295, 296 
- worn by Egyptian children, 123 
Andaman Islanders, painting the body 
  among, 276 
Andr6, Messrs., & Co., on cockades, 
Anglo-Saxon, bandaged stocking of, 
Animal actors, clothes of, 3oi 
Animals, colour of, in connection with 
  ceremonials, 303 
- curious variations of, produced 
  under domestication, 302 
- spotted when young, 94 
- mutilation of, 302 
Anklets, 9 
Anne, apron of Queen, i5O 
- Consort of James I, glove of, 98, 
Antiquities, Museum of, Copenhagen, 
Apparel of chasuble called an orphrey, 
 - on albe, possibly remains of clavi, 
 Appendix, vermiform, 3 
 Apron, 149 
 - of barge-woman, milk-woman, and 
   hospital nurse, I5O 
 -    bishop, a vestige of the cassock, 
 - - housemaid, 149 
 - - Judy, 263, 263 
 - - masons, 232 
 - - nuns, 202 
 -    Oueen Anne. i o 