Adams Rollin L., carp, bds i s Locust b Seventh and Oak
Adams Wm. P., dry goods, groceries, &c., w s State b Broad
and Race, h n s Bridge b Cross and Bluff
Adams Rev. Wm. W., bds n w c Public Av and College
Alcan Peter, bds Bushnell House
Alexander Dyer, clk, Beloit City Hotel
Alexander Samuel P., h s s Bridge b Bluff and Eighth
A LEXANDER WM. P., pro Beloit City Hotel, e s State b S
Bridge and Race
Allen Charles W., [E. C. A. & Son,] bds n e e School & Pleasant
A LLEN E. C. & SON, [Elijah C. A. & Charles W. A.,] live-
ry and sale stable, s s School b State and Pleasant
Allen Elijah C., [E. C. A. & Son,] h n e e School and Pleasant
Allen Wm. Henry, n w c Fourth and Division
A MERICAN EXPRESS CO., Wright & Newcomb, agents w
s State b School and Broad
MERICAN HOUSE, L. F. Wood, pro, s w c Broad and
A Pleasant
Anderson Alex., elk, bds s s School b Pleasant and Prospect
Anderson Andrew, shoe imkr, bds American House
Anderson Andrew, blksmth, bds American House
Anderson Geo., bds ws Third b Division and )
Anderson Miss Mary, bds s e c Third and Division
Anderson Nute. shoe ikr, h n s Race b Prospect and Short
Anderson Thomas, bds e s Third b Division and D
Anderson Thomas, mason, h s e c Third and Division
Andrews David, mach, h i s Bridge b Bluff and Cross
Andrews Frederick, mason, w s Fourth b E and D
Archimedes Baldwin, n s Race b Pleasant and Prospect
Arnold Win. D., mach, bds n s D w Fifth
Ashman Win., s w c Bluff and Wheat
Atchley Edward B., carp, h s s Locust b Bluff and Eighth
Atkins Harriet L., servt, n s Broad b Prospect and Pleasant
Austin Prudence, servt, a s Bridge b Bluff and Eighth
Avery Charles II., b k, bds e s Bluff b E and Bridge
Avery Mrs. E. L., bds e s Bluff b E and Bridge
Avery Mrs. Mary A., s s S Race e Prospect
Axe Win. R1., mach, h n s Broad b Prospect and Short
Babbett Clinton, n w c E and Fourth
Babbott Nathan G., n w c E and Fourth
Baggart Mrs. Mary A., s s Wheat b Bluff and Eighth
Bailey A. J., bds w s Church b Second and Third
Bailey Rev. Jacob, h w s Church b Second and Third
Bailey J. W., teamster, h e s Pleasant nr Public Av
Bailey Thomas D., grain dealer, h s w c Church and Fourth
Baker Henry P., harness mkr, bds American House
Baker J1rs. L. M., e s Fourth b D and Division
Baker Samuel R., paper mkr, h e s Third b Division and D.