Peters Andrew W., photographist, w s State b Hace and Broad, I
n s State w Eighth
Petersen Martin, Ii e s Mill nr Broad
Philips Barnett, carp, h w s Oak b Division and )
Philips Mrs. Sarah, s s S Race b State and Pleasant
Pierce Philip M., justice peace, h s w c D and Fourth
Pierzon J., builder, n s Race b State and Ple:isat, h al w S
Bridge b Mill and State
Piper Win., mach, h n w c Seventh and E
Pohl Fred, lab, i s s S Race e Proapect
Pollard E., paper mkr, h e s Third b Division and 1)
Pollard Jno. B., mason, h s w c Division and Fourth
Pomeroy Alonzo, carp, h n s Bridge nr Eighth
Pomroy Simeon W., wag mkr, bds s w c Broad and Pleasant
Poole Mrs. B. T., n c c E and Fifth
Poole Mrs. Maria B., n e c Prospect and Public Av
Pooler Mrs. Jane M., s s Broad b Prospect and Short
Porter Henry, bds e s College b Second and Third
Porter Rev, Win., Prof Beloit College, he s College b Second
and Third
Pouct Godfrey, tailor, w s Pleasant nr Public Av
Powers Win., lab, h w s Mill nr Railroad
Pratt Frank F., [P. & Johnson,] ii w c Seventh and Locust
Pratt Gco., bds Bushnell House
Pratt Horatio, bds Bushnell House
Pratt James, saloon, n w c State and Race, h s s School b Pleas-
ant and Prospect
Pratt & Johnson, [Frank F. P. and James T. J.,] painters, n s
Race b State and Pleasant
Preischor, Jno., paper mkr, h w s Pleasant or darn
Preston Henry F., bar k, bds c s State b School and Broad
Prichard Robert, dray, h w s Main b Second and Third
Prior Kate, servt, n s E b Seventh and Oak
Prouty James W., (Maxwell & P.,) s s Broad b) State and
Prudden Miss Eunice, bds s e c Bridge and Bluf'
Pulvery Samuel, wag nkr, bds American House
Purdy Nelson H, s s Bridge b Bluff and Eighth
Quail Julia, servt, s s Sherwood Av nr Washington Av
Quinn -, w e Vine b Division and 1)
Quinn Jno., lab, h n s Wadsworth w  hill'
Quinn Patrick, lab, h w s Mill ur Broad
Racine and Mississippi R II, T. W. Buel, agt, depot e s State b
Race and S Race
Rardon Daniel, moulder, h ii e e Merrill and Fourth
Rasey Benjamin F., n s Bridge nr Eighth