Edwards Rev. Daniel W., n s Division, ur Fifth
Edwards Ole, elk, bds n s School b State and Pleasant
Egar Michael, moulder, h e s Third b Merrill and Division
Eggolston Carlos, architect n e c Farm and Eighth
Emerson Joseph, prof Beloit College, h w s College b Third and
Engelson Niles, carp, h s w c E and Oak
English Alexander, harness mkr, bds e s railroad
English Joseph, lab, h s e c Fifth and Liberty
Enis Daniel, s s Bridge ur w City line
Erickson Louis, wagon mkr, h c s Mill ur Broad
E   STES EDWARD B., harness nkr, carriage trimmer and mu-
sician, h s s Broad b State and Pleasant
physician, nw c School and Prospect
Fai;banks Charles N., clk, bds n s Race b State Pleasant
Fairchild Lewis, moulder, I s w c D and Vine
Fairchild Wn., paper inkr, I n w c E and Vine
Faley Timothy, lab, h w s Mill nr railroad
Fallen Mary, servt, w s Fourth b Bridge and E
Farlan James, lab, bds n e c Broad and Hydraulic
Farley Jno., teamster, h w s Cross b E and Bridge
Farmer Richard, w s Sixth nr R R,
Farmers Hotel, n w c State and S Bridge
Farr James, w s Third nr R R
Farrelly Jno., teamster, h w s Cross b E and Bridge
Feldenheimer Isaac, elk, bds Salisbury Hotel
Fenton Mrs. Sarah, bds e s Mechanic b School and First
Field Alfred L., s ee Bridge and Bluff
Finney George, shoemkr, h n w c Main and Third
Finnegan Jno., teamster, ht s w c Milwaukee and Second
Fisher L. G.. elk, bds w s Pleasant nr Public av
Fisher Lucien, elk, bds Bushnell House
Fisher Lucius G., P. M., h u w c Public Av and Pleasant
Fisher & Winchester, (Lucius G. F., & A. 0. W.) hardware and
agricultural implements, n w c State and Broad
Fisk Jno P., teacher, I e s Maini b Third and Fourth
Fitch -  , n s S Bridge or II
Fitzgerald Michael, h e s Canal h Second and Third
Fitzgerald Win., mason, bds e s Canal b Second and Third
Flannigan Jno., coop, bds ; State Line
Flinn Julia, servt, i e c School and Prospect
Flint Charles H., coop, h n s Farm b Bluff and Eighth
Fluckiger John M., plow mkr, h s s Wheat b Bluff and Eighth
Folant Egbert J., (B. A. Vail & Co.,) s s Bridge b Bluff and
Foley James, saloon, s s S Race b State and Pleasant
Folland Martin, lab, h nr cor Race and Mechanic