Brewer Jno. W., sawyer, I w s Pleasant nr dam
Brewer Miss M. J., paper finisher, w s Pleasant nr dam
Brewer Miss Mary, paper finisher, w s Pleasant nr dan
Briggs Mrs. --, n s Wheat b Bluff and Eighth
Briggs Enos, s e c Main and Third
Brinsmado Rev. H. N,, e s College b First and Second
Brittan Joseph, books, musical insts, ins and land agt, e s State b
School and Broad, I w s Fourth b Bridge and E
Broder Alice B., millinery, e s State b Race and Broad
Broder James H., h w s Fifth b Division and D
Brown Rensselaer I., farmer, h w s Mechanic b Third and Fourth
Brooks Delorma, n e c Hydraulic and School
Brooks Jacob A., miller, s s School nr Hydraulic, h n e c School
and Hydraulic
Brown Miss Anna, bs e s Pleasant nr n city line
Brown Bela, w s Mechanic b First and School
Brown Benjamin, lah, Ii s s Race b Prospect and Pleasant
Brown Benjanin, I w s State b School and Broad
Brown Charles, painter, h  s E b Seventh and Oak
Brown Dewey C., coin imer, u s S Bridge nr Railroad, h s w c
Main and Third
Brown Dudley C., ta'lor, e s State b School and Broad, h s s
Broad b State and Pleasant
Brown Horace, cool), h w s Fourth b E and D
Brown Michael, bds w s Pleasant or dam
Brown Thomas, paper mnkr, I w s Pleasant nr dam
Browne Bowman B., h n w c Bridge and Bluff
Buckley Timothy, lab, h a s Sherwood Av nr Washington Av
Bune Thomas W., agt R & M R Rt, h s s Broad b Prospect and
Bullock Calvin II., carp, hliu we North and Fifth
Bullock Jno., coop, h s s E nr Oak.
Bullock Joseph P., carp, h n e c E and Seventh
Bullock Samuel W., carp, h w s Sixth
Bundy David J., h i w c Fourth and Main
Burdick Daniel C., lab, h s w c Fourth and Liberty
Burger Jno., butch, h n s Bridge b Eighth and Bluff
Burnell K. A., I e s Church b First and Second
Burns Abie, lab, h n s S Bridge nr River
Burns Margaret, servt, s s Bridge b Cross and Bluff
Burns Michael, lab, h w s Fourth nr Division
Burns Philip, lab, h al w Mill
Burr Jno. C., tinsimth, bds n s Bridge b Bluff and Cross
Burrell Edward, n s First nr College grounds
Burroughs Philip, painter, ht s s State line
B  USHNELL JACKSON J., proprietor Bushnell House, n e c
State and School
B  USHNELL HOUSE, J. J. Bushnell proprietor, n e c State
and School
Butler Benjamin, mason, h w s Bridge b Eighth and Bluff
Butler Frederick, bds w s Bridge b Bluff and Eighth