Ratified treaty no. 155, Documents relating to the negotiation of the treaty of July 29, 1829, with the United Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatomi Indians
July 29, 1829
Washington, D.C.: National Archives, National Archives and Records Service
1. Instructions, Mar. 30 (also in item 2, below); Apr. 6 (2 letters); May 18, 19, 20; June 13, 1829. (OIA, LS, vol. 5, p. 382-386, 395-396, 434-437; vol. 6, p. 12)
2. Letter book of comrs. who negotiated the treaties of July 29 and Aug. 1, 1829, at Prairie du Chien, Mar. 30-Sept. 5, 1829. (41 p.)*
3. Proceedings of the comrs. for holding a treaty with the Winnebago and the United Nation of the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi of the Illinois, for the cession of the mineral country owned by those tribes, Apr. 6-Sept. 11, 1829. (56 p.)*
4. Final reports of Comrs. John McNeil, Pierre Menard, and Caleb Atwater, Aug. 7 and Sept. 11, 1829. (11 p., 13 p.)*
5. Final reports (copies) of Aug. 7 and Sept. 11, 1829, (item 4 above) and other letters re the negotiations. (OIA, LR, Prairie du Chien, 1829) See also items under Treaty of Aug. 25, 1828, with Winnebago and other tribes.
Ratified treaty no. 155, Documents relating to the negotiation of the treaty of July 29, 1829, with the United Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatomi Indians July 29, 1829