between University Avenue and West Johnson Street. The'
model shows the
                    completion of the projected chemistry complex. Unit I
(on the left) has already
                    been built and is in use. The new additions to the structure
will be of pre-cast
                    concrete and brick and will provide much-needed teaching
and research fa-
                    cilities, offices, class and lecture rooms, stockrooms,
and a library. The structure
                    will be 10 stories in height and will have a three-level
lower base. Work is ex-
                    pected to start this fall with completion scheduled for
February, 1967. The State
                    of Wisconsin is providing $5,717,800 for its construction,
while the National
                    Science Foundation is giving $1,200,000 and the National
Aeronautics and Space
                    Administration $442,760.

and more on the way...

              The Regents have approved the design and
            plan of the South Lower Campus buildings for
            history, music, art and art education, and the
            long-awaited Elvehjem Art Center. Forming a
            dramatically designed architectural complex, the
            buildings make up a huge project which will cost
            more than $13 million.
              The South Lower Campus development pro-
            gram began with the UW Extension Building
            and the first phase of the Administration Build-
            ing. It encompasses the area between North
            Park, North Lake, University Avenue, and State
            Street. The history-music-art and art education
            building will be erected facing North Park
            Street and the Elvehjem Art Center will be
            located just south of the University Club.
              Plans call for class, lecture, and seminar rooms
           for the history department; recital areas, teach-
           ing studios and laboratories, offices, practice and
           rehearsal rooms for the School of Music; and
           teaching studios, classrooms, offices, workshops,
           and an instructional gallery for art and art edu-
           cation students and faculty. All these depart-
October, 1964

ments will be housed in a six-story complex with
a total of 7,000 student stations and an archi-
tectural pattern similar to the four-story rectan-
gular Elvehjem Art Center.
  Elvehjem Art Center facilities will include
galleries, a library, lounge, sculpture court, con-
ference rooms, administrative offices, teaching
and research facilities for art history.
  In other building actions, the Regents have
given the go-ahead to the following projects:
a $3.7 million central library for the University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; a $1,321,440 Numerical
Analysis Building to house the University's com-
puting center and the departments of computer
sciences and statistics. They also awarded con-
tracts for the construction of a $4,813,351 Biotron
which is a series of laboratories designed to study
living organisms in a full range of controlled
environmental conditions, and approved pre-
liminary plans for a $3,800,000 gymnasium unit
which will include gymnasiums, squash and
handball courts, exercise rooms, lockers, class-
rooms, research laboratories, and offices.