St fires present a risk during the project. The potential for a fire to start
off-site is always
pit and independent of the existence of the project. Fires also may start
on-site and spread to
rounding area. The potential for fires along the railroad and access road
corridors would be
n.zed by controlling the presence of undesirable vegetation. If a fire would
occur, fire fighting
Ianent and personnel would be available to ensure prompt response. If a major
fire would occur
te, the large amount of cleared land surface associated with the project
might act as a fire
c, thus impeding the spread of the fire off-site. The occurrence of a major
forest fire is a low


Irground mine development and operation requires the use of explosives. An
accidental ignition
plosives and blasting supplies stored and handled on-site would present a
hazard to personnel in
c1iity. The greatest hazards would be from falling debris or fires. Transportation,
storage and
j explosives would be in strict compliance with state and federal regulations.
Historical data
bke mining industry indicate such an occurrence would be a very rare event.
Considering the
p design, and operating factors, the risk of an accidental detonation is


 ring programs are designed to ensure that treated discharge water would
meet specified
    s. If the system malfunctioned and the water did not meet standards,
the water would be
    to the reclaim ponds while the system was repaired. The longest predicted
duration of
    n due to either planned or unplanned events is three weeks.

  laim ponds are designed not to leak but would be equipped with a leak detection/collection
  Therefore, if leaks would occur, they would be detected, and a contingency
plan would be
  nted. This contingency plan would be similar in approach to that for the
MWDF. The most
rmedial action would be to drain the leaking pond and repair the liner. Removal
of one of the
     g repair would necessitate operational changes in order to maintain
the normal level of

   cipated there would be occasional planned and unplanned shutdowns of portions
of the
   t system. However, due to frequent monitoring and in-line testing of the
treatment system
   ational contingencies, failure of a component of the treatment system
does not present a
   hat threat to the environment.


   air pollution control systems would be incorporated into the project facilities.
The normal
   emissions would be only a few percent of allowable regulatory limits.
As a result, if one or
   these systems were to malfunction or fail, considerable margin exists
so that operations
   tinue during repairs. Thus, no off-site impact in violation of the regulatory
limits is
   and this occurrence is consequently judged to be a low risk event. A malfunction
   In and abatement plan for credible failures of air pollution control systems
would be
   in the air permit. This plan details how the air pollution control systems
would be regularly
   -to determine if the systems are functioning and being maintained properly.


   s structures used to control erosion and drainage would result in localized
erosion and
   ation. Due to the relatively small volume of water handled by these facilities
and their
     maintenance features, no long-term off-site impacts would result. It
is expected that
   aintenance of temporary structures would be required as long as they are
in use. The
   t Structures should require minimal maintenance and are designed to accommodate
a 25
      r storm event. Failures of erosion control structures would be corrected
by rebuilding
   ture, regrading, and revegetating any washed-out areas. Such failures
are viewed as low risk

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