JUN 2 0 1986

U'nited States Depart ment of the Intel-ior

              BUREAU OF MINES
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      Intermountain Field Operations Center

                                                              June 18, 1986

Howard S. Drucken,(ller, Director
Bureau of Environlental Analyses and Review
Wisconsin State Department of Natural Resources
Box 7-921
Madison, Wisconsin 53707

Dear Mr. Druckenmiller:

Thank you for the opportunity to review the Draft Environmental Impact

Statement for Exxon Minerals Company Zinc-Copper Mine at Crandon, Wisconsin.

Bureau of Mines comments will be included in the Department of the Interior's

comments and will be forwarded to you by the Regional Environmental Officer

in Chicago.

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     Intermountain Field Operations Center

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               1tegst Coufty Potawatomi Commuaty, Atc

POTAWATOMI                           C.eO        W     uft     55
(Keeper of the Fir*)         C 0 N N E N T S

                                 on the

               z I NCFS  _WCRANDO         IS 0.-

     Prepared by
     James P. Boggs, Ph.D. and Gene D. Linehan, Attorney.

     For the

     June 12, 1986

     I. Introduction.

     The following comments are based on the understanding that the
     DEIS is part of larger regulatory process. It does not exist in
     a legal or policy vacuum.

     Also, the DEIS does not stand alone in the sense that the data,
     analysis, and conclusions it presents rest., or should rest, on
     careful, state-of-the-art study and analysis.   It would not be
     practical to include in the DEIS all of the methodological detail
     and substantive information on which its conclusions rest.
     Therefore this more detailed information is usually made
     available 'in 'Technical Reports" for those people who are
     Interested in it and request it. Since the DNR derived its
     conclusions presented in the DEIS from these Technical Reports,
     it is sometimes necessary to refer to them in commenting on the
     DEIS. I have not had available a copy of the Final Socioeconomic
     Impact Analysis, the Technical Report for the socioeconomic
     portions of the EIS studies, in preparing these comments, so I
     will use the draft, or Preliminary Socioeconomic Impact Analysis
     which is dated July 1985.

     II. The Utilization of the DEIS in DNR Decisionmakirgj

     What is the statutory and policy context in reference to which
     the DEIS should be evaluated and understood? The Wisconsin

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