In addition, the tribes would be eligible for discretionary grants from the
MIB (if funds were
available) during the project. Some of the following mining-related impacts
could be mitigated '
the mandated annual payments. The impacts, however, are very difficult to
quantify in monetar
terms. Therefore, the following analysis of impacts does not attempt to indicate
which impacts
or could not be mitigated with the MIB payments, either mandated or discretionary.


Both the Sokaogon Chippewa and the Forest County Potawatomi use a large number
of the nativi
adventive (introduced) plant species for food, medicine, and art. They have
expressed concern al
the impact of the mining operation on these plant resources.

Of the many species reportedly used, only two species are believed to be
restricted to specific a)
within the environmental study area. One of these species is wild rice (Zizania
aquatica), an
especially important plant to the Sokaogon Chippewa, which is restricted
in the environmental M
area primarily to Rice Lake on the Mole-Lake Reservation. The other species
is bur oak (Quercu
macrocarpa), used as a food, dye, and medicinal plant, which is restricted
in the study area to to
three small groves on the Exxon property.

Exxon has not proposed a policy on public use of company controlled land
that is not fenced. So5
these lands have been described as traditional gathering grounds by the Native
Americans. This
could be available for gathering of bur oak products and other more widely
distributed plants.
Exxon have a restrictive public access policy, or should tribal members feel
unwelcome on Exx
lands, then these lands would not be available for traditional gathering
purposes. Alternative a
would need to be found to gather all species formerly collected on Exxon
lands. Due to the
widespread distribution of all species, except bur oak, the local alternate
sites should be found
easily. Alternative bur oak collection sites, however, would be more distant
(within sixty miles

Contamination of wild food Dlants with heavv metals from windblown ore/tailings
dust is not

expected to be a problem. Air emission modeling indicates project-related
heavy meta
be considerably less than existing background levels. A dust suppression
program to miu
coming from project activities would likely be a permit condition. Analysis
of soil, plar
elements for heavy metal contamination is planned by Exxon to confirm expected

The important wild rice resource of Rice Lake would not be adversely impacted
by the
activities. Surface construction activities, located two and one half miles
upstream frc
Lake ' s inlets (Swamp Creek), would have erosion and runoff controls. Runoff
would be
by a network of sedimentation ponds prior to reaching Swamp Creek. Water
sedimentation ponds would have water quality limits determined by state water
Treated mine water, which could have sulfate concentrations potentially injurious
to wi
be discharged below Rice Lake. Stringent design criteria for the MWDF would
leachate from altering surface waters more than existing natural variability.

Mine dewatering would slightly reduce the flow in Swamp Creek. Because Swamp
inlet supplying water to Rice Lake, and there is a lake level control at
the lake 's outlet
in Swamp Creek flow would not be expected to adversely affect wild rice.
High water I
especially during wild rice germination and establishment (floating leaf
stage) in May a]
potentially much more threatening to wild rice than are low levels. Since
Exxon has ag
mitigate Swamp Creek flows during low flow conditions to within natural flow
not be adverse impacts to Rice Lake and Swamp Creek biota.


Population Impacts - Anticipation of jobs at the Crandon project could increase
the mi~
Forest County Potawatomi back to the reservation. Migration of both former
members who have never lived on tribal lands may occur as these people seek
addition, some Potawatomi who would otherwise migrate out of the local study
area ma

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