The study area is less industrialized and less affluent than Wisconsin as
a whole. Per capita personal
income in all three counties is lower than statewide per capita income while
unemployment rates are
all higher. Overall, forestry and wood products manufacturing dominate the
local study area
economy, particularly in Forest and Oneida counties. Agriculture is important
primarily in Langlade
County. The recreation and tourism industry also is substantial and stimulates
activity in retail trade
and services. These are low-wage industries and partially explain the low
income levels in the local
study area. Forest County is the least economically diverse of the three
counties. It has the smallest
population, lowest total income and earnings, and the lowest per capita income
of the local study

Due to a relatively large agricultural base, Langlade County is the most
economically balanced
county of the local study area. Although manufacturing is the most important
economic sector,
retail trade, farming, services, and government also are important. Antigo,
the Langlade county
seat, serves as the county' s industrial and trade center and accounts for
about three-fourths of the
county' s total retail and service sale. Antigo also is the location of the
county' s major employers.
Per capita personal income is higher in Langlade County than in Forest County.
Both, however, were
below the per capita income level in Oneida County and below state and U.S.

Oneida County is the most populous and most economically developed of the
three counties. The
county surpasses both Forest and Langlade counties in total earnings, average
weekly wages, and

Personal Income - Table 2-22 shows total and per capita personal income by
place of residence for
the three counties. Personal per capita income is substantially lower in
the local study area then the
statewide and United States average per capita income.

                                            Table 2-22
                       Local Study Area Personal Income, 1970, 1980, 19821
                                              Forest County  Langlade County
 Oneida County
   Per Capita Personal Income
   ($ thousands/year)
   1970                                        $2,200           $2,700  
   1980                                         5,460            6,970  
   1982                                         6,370            8,440  
   % of Average Statewide Per Capita Income
   1970                                            58               72  
   1980                                            58               75  
   1982                                            59               79  
   % of Average U.S. Per Capita Income
   1970                                            56               69  
   1980                                            57               73  
   1982                                            57               76  
   Total Personal Income by Place of Residence
   ($ millions/year)
   1970                                          $16.88           $ 52.11
          $ 78.18
   1980                                            49.74           140.09
   1982                                            58.21           169.34

1 Figures reported in then current dollars.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. 1984 Regional
          Information System, Personal Income by Source, Washington, D.C.

Table 2-23 displays retail sales data for the three study area counties.
Excess retail sales capacity
exists, particularly in the trade centers of Antigo and Rhinelander.

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