Mr. Druckenmiller

Mr. Druckenmiller

     increased population levels from families moving from the city to seek
rural non-
     farm living experiences. A large part of the Town of Antigo includes
prime farm-
     land which is protected under the county's exclusive agricultural zoning
and offers
(460)limited area for rural non-farm housing projects. The Towns of Polar,
     and Rolling have less prime farmland and offer a greater potential for
     rural non-farm housing opportunities for project related families.

          Page 80 - Mention is made of retail trade share for Rhinelander
and Antigo.
eIt would be helpful to identify the source or basis of this data.

          Page 81 - There appears to be an inconsistency that occurs throughout
the draft
     report. The writers use the term "towns" and "townships"
as if they mean the same.
     Towns and townships are not the same thing. A town is the term used
(   in the state as a form of general government while a township is a survey
unit and
e6not a governmental unit.    It would be appropriate to make sure a report
of this
     magnitude would use the correct terminology when referring to a general
unit of
     government. This comment also applies to the abbreviations used for
the towns on
     all the maps in the draft report.

8       Page 87 - Federal, state, or user fees are in parenthesis.    What
is the reason?

/~\       Page 90 - There is a reference to Langlade County Memorial Hospital.
4   hospital is now known officially as Langlade Memorial Hospital.

          Page 99 - There's a reference to "seated". I believe
the reference should
t be "ceded".

8       Page 121 - There should be a comma after phosphorus.

          Pages 96, 179, and 190 - There is some confusion about the use
of words "un-
     approved" and "approved" solid waste sites.   According
to the statutory definition
( 7)of "approved" sites there are no sites in Langlade County that
would be considered
     as "approved".

         Page 241: third paragraph - There is a reference made to a county
)ers organization.      What county commissioners organization?  If you're
    to the Wisconsin County Boards Association, I believe the reference is
incorrect and
    should be county board members.

         These are some comments noted in review of the draft environmental

         Thank you for the opportunity to review the DEIS on this project
which would
    affect our area.


                                             Marvin Tessmer


         On page 32 there is a reference to using the City of Antigo landfill
for refuse
    before Exxon's onsite landfill is built. Yet on page 180 the chart indicates
in 1986 the Antigo landfill has one to three years life.        If the projected
    frame for the mine is correct, the Antigo landfill would not be available
for accept-
    ing waste from Exxon during the construction period.

Pa        Page 225:  second paragraph - I believe it sould be "more
over" not "move

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July 7, 1986


July 7, 1986