Response No.                                       Response

         park locations; location in relation to major thoroughfares; proximity
to the project;
         expectations and judgments of residents as to the desirability of
living near the project;
         potential for retail development, and others. It is anticipated
that in the short term, land
         values would probably increase during the initial stages of the
project and would decline
         during the final stages of the project, all things being equal.
However, to be more specifii
         on temporary land value fluctuations would be speculative.

   449   Disposal of sanitary wastes from recreational vehicles used during
project construction is-
         unlikely to be a problem. Most such vehicles would probably locate
near the project area"
         and arrangements would have to be made between private haulers and
the City of Crandoi
         municipal waste treatment plant or other regional facility. Elcho
's ability to
         accommodate additional sanitary wastes is limited, although Crandon'
s facility is
         substantially under capacity (DEIS Table 2-39).

   450   Although project related population and traffic increases might
attract additional
          recreational and tourism-based activity in the study area, the
additional congestion and
          altered economic and environmental character of the area could
discourage some
          recreational and tourist activity. Although we believe there would
be no significant over&
          impact to tourism in the area, additional rationale is presented
in the FEIS.

   451   The discussion of public services and facilities costs is revised
in the FEIS.

   452   According to the Forest County Sheriff, the current jail (which
was built in 1909) is only
         marginally adequate to serve the county' s needs for the next few
years, assuming no
         significant population increase in the county. Forest County has
cooperative agreements,.
         with its two neighboring counties: Oneida County accepts Forest
County' s juvenile
         offenders (at a cost of $50 per day each), and Florence County,
which has no jail, refers it
         adult offenders to Forest County. The effect of housing Florence
County inmates is not
         considered directly under either scenario, since it is assumed the
fees paid by Florence
         County exactly offset the cost of providing the service.

         Under the without-project scenario, the costs of referring juvenile
offenders to Oneida
         County are included in the current cost standards. Under the with-project
scenario, a noi
         jail (including both adult and juvenile facilities) would be required,
together with associat
         staffing and other costs. These needs are in addition to the public
facilities and service
         cost projections cited for Forest County.

   453   The turnover of labor pool and wage inflation (discussed on DEIS
page 181) are effects
          common to areas which experience sudden diversification and growth
of the type
          anticipated if the project were implemented. While the effects
of job changes can be
          disruptive to the affected employers and employees, it is not considered
a significant

          Similarly, the effects of wage inflation due to the project are
expected to be minimal,
          given the small relative employment share represented by the project
in the local study
          area. Also, wage inflation is a relatively short-term phenomenon,
and has offsetting
          positive effects, i.e., a higher income to employees. Together,
these two effects are not'
          projected to be significant impacts of the project.

   454   Comment acknowledged.

   455   The capacity figure for the Elcho School District was determined
prior to the elimination
         of three elementary school classrooms. Current capacity is 525.

   456   Comment noted.

   457 Correction made.

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