eonse No.                                     Response

     help maintain a vigorous stand of vegetation which in turn protects
the waters of the state
     by preventing runoff and erosion. In addition, any site runoff would
be directed into
     retention basins thereby further decreasing potential impacts.

94   The air quality impact analysis on DEIS pages 154-157 and Fig. 3-13
and 3-14 indicated the
     pollutant of greatest consequence, total suspended particulates (TSP),
would not have a
     significant impact beyond three miles from the site boundary. The closest
portion of the
     Stockbridge-Munsee Reservation is 35 miles from the project, far beyond
the range of
     measurable air quality impacts from the proposed project.

95   An analysis of rail and highway transportation impacts which would result
from the project
     has been included in the FEIS.

 6   The proposed groundwater and surface water monitoring programs have
been developed to
     detect significant changes in water quality and quantity attributable
to the project. The
     plans are designed to detect cumulative impacts as well as helping to
distinguish sources of
     contamination. If unforeseen impacts were detected, the Department has
the authority to
     modify the plan to require such things as more frequent monitoring,
increased number of
     monitoring points and monitoring over a greater area.

     The Department did consider the impacts to surface water bodies as a
result of seepage
     from the waste facilities. This evaluation was summarized on DEIS page
142. As indicated
     -by the worst case analysis in the DEIS, the impacts to surface waters
from the MWDF
     would take an extremely long time to develop, and if impacts did occur,
the water quality
     would still be within observed seasonal ranges. Therefore, extensive
monitoring to
     determine this impact is not believed to be warranted. Also, the proposed
     would provide early indication of facility performance and any potential
     quality contamination which could result in surface water impacts. See

,97  The areal coverage of the terrestrial ecology monitoring program is
believed to be
      adequate to determine reasonably expected impacts. Significant impacts
to the terrestrial
      ecosystem beyond this area are not anticipated. The monitored region
would encompass
      the areas of construction as well as areas in which particulate deposition
and groundwater
I -   drawdown would occur. The latter two are the main mechanisms which
could cause
      terrestrial impacts.

 98   The language cited is from the statutes and is not discretionary. Exxon
is liable for
      damages which it causes. No potential constraints to the exercise of
      treaty rights have been identified.

-99 The discharge into Swamp Creek from the proposed wastewater treatment
facility would
      be located downstream from Rice Lake. Consequently there would be no
impacts to wild
      rice in Rice Lake from the discharge. As indicated in the FEIS, sulfate
levels in lower
      Swamp Creek below the discharge may impact the scattered wild rice

    Birds and mammals are not expected to transport environmental contaminants
beyona t
    project boundary in any detectable quantities. See response #321.

    Vibrations caused by mine construction and operation are not expected
to appreciably
    impact wildlife populations (DEIS page 147).

2   There would be a loss of public land covered by off-reservation treaty
rights if the 880
    acres of County-owned land were sold to Exxon. An analysis of this impact
is included
    the FEIS.

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