The monitoring plan is designed to detect and evaluate environmental changes
caused by the project.
If monitoring indicates adverse impacts are occurring, the DNR would determine
what, if any, change
in project operations would be necessary to correct the situation.

Monitoring would begin approximately one year before the start of construction,
continue through
mine/mill operations, and be sustained over the 30 year long-term care period,
especially for
groundwater. Baseline data and operations monitoring data would be reviewed
annually or when the
operator requests any modification of the applicable permits or plans. The
DNR may require the
operator to perform additional monitoring during the course of the permitted
activity and for a
period of time following closure as is necessary to satisfactorily complete
reclamation. The DNR
also may independently monitor the environment for project related changes.

Details of sample collection and analytical procedures will be specified
as part of the quality
assurance/quality control document submitted to the Department for review
and approval prior to
implementation of the monitoring plan. Therefore, details and methods are
not described below.


A water well inventory has been conducted by Exxon in the four zones shown
in Figure 1-19. The
private water well inventory has been divided into four zones based upon
the anticipated extent of
groundwater drawdown. The amount of information needed from the well samples
decreases with
distance from the mine. All wells within Zone 1 would be sampled quarterly
for the parameters listed
in Table 1-12. Within Zones 2 an 3, representative wells would be sampled
for the parameters listed
in Table 1-12. Zone 4 represents the Mole Lake Indian Reservation. DNR has
encouraged Exxon to
obtain whatever information is available regarding the water supplies on
the Reservation. The DNR
would split a representative number of well water quality samples with Exxon
for verification

Exxon must submit a private well water quality sampling program, including
well locations, for DNR
approval before construction commences. Well water quality information would
be collected prior to
construction to establish background conditions.

                                           Table 1-12
                           Sampling Parameters for Private Water Wells
    Field temperature (0C)                                            Aluminum
    Total laboratory alkalinity                                       Barium
    Total field alkalinity                                            Cadmium
    Specific conductance (umhos/cm)                                   Calcium
    Field conductivity (umhos/cm)                                     Chromium,
    Laboratory pH (standard units)                                    Cobalt
    Field pH (standard units)                                         Copper
    Total hardness                                                    Iron
    Total dissolved solids                                            Lead
    Arsenic                                                           Magnesium
    Chloride                                                          Manganese
    Coliform Bacteria                                                 Molybdenum
    Fluoride                                                          Nickel
    Nitrate nitrogen (N)                                              Selenium
    Phosphate (P04)                                                   Silver
    Sulfate                                                           Zinc


The surface water monitoring program would provide data on water bodies and
aquatic ecosystems
potentially impacted by the mining activities (e.g., the discharge to Swamp
Creek, runoff from the
MWDF, and groundwater drawdown). The monitoring sites are indicated on Figure

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