Broon C. LaFellefe

    Ger&d. Wilcox
DWW Almey Geea

June 19, 1986

       Mr. H. S. Druckenmiller
       Department of Natural Resources
       Bureau of Environmental Analysis
          and Review
       Post Office Box 7921
       GEF 2, 101 South Webster
       Madison, Wisconsin 53707

            Re: Public Intervenor's Comments on the Draft
                 Environmental Impact Statement

E      Dear Mr. Druckenmiller:

            Enclosed are three copies of the Public Intervenor's
       written comments on the Wisconsin Department of Natural
       Resources Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Along with
       the comments prepared by the Public Intervenor, there are
       two consultant reports which are incorporated as part of
       my comments. One report is on the groundwater impact by
       Dr. Douglas Cherkauer. The other is a comment on the surface
       water effects by Dr. Arthur Brooks.

            The office reserves the right to respond to comments
       made by other participants before the close of the comment


                                      Waltraud A. Arts
                                      Public Intervenor



       Comments on the
   Wisconsin Department of
   Natural Resources' Draft
Environmental Impact Statement

          Waltraud A . Ar ts
Special Public Intervenor for Mining

            June 19, 1986

WaudmmA. Af

122 Wed    m Wsngic Avene
dIIbgAddr.e P.O Box 77
Mad  WUbmonsne  W