School District Costs - Table 3-48 contains projections of increased school
district costs estimated
for the four local school districts. Increased cost projections were based
on the existing cost per
student multiplied by the estimated number of students who would reside within
each district
resulting from the increased population. Estimated increased costs to the
four school districts for
the project duration would be about $57 million (1982 dollars).

The estimated increased costs to school districts are based on the same per
student standards
applying to the impact scenario as existed prior to the project. However,
the estimated increased
costs do not reflect actual out-of-pocket increases, because additional residential
and business
development within each district would increase the assessed valuation and
provide additional distriE
revenue. The system of state school aids also would help offset revenue needs.

                                            Table 3-48
                 Projected Increases in School District Costs Caused by the
                                    (Thousands of 1982 Dollars)

Mine                         District:
Phase               Year              Crandon        Elcho         Antigo

Construction        1987                178            30             114
Construction        1988                429            71            294
Construction        1989                801           130            587
Operations          1990                600            96             562
Operations          1991                622           101             603
               536 6
Operations          1992                594            95             551
Operations          2017                598            96             557
Operations          2018                569            92             539
Closure             2019                378            66             412
Closure             2020                218            40            258
Closure             2021                 92            18             122
Closure             2022                 23             5              41

Total                               $19,427        $3,124         $17,954

Source:  From Denver Research Institute, 1986. Only representative years


Impacts to Project Area Assessments - The assessed valuation of the Townships
of Lincoln an(
Nashville, Forest County, and the Crandon School District would increase
as a result of the
construction of the mine/mill. Table 3-49 shows the anticipated increases
in assessed valuati(
the four taxing jurisdictions by comparing the 1984 equalized values to the
estimated increase
proposed project would more than double Forest County Vs equalized valuation
by the fourth yf
development. The equalized valuation would decrease gradually throughout
the operations pei
the final year of operation, the project would provide an estimated 211 million
dollars of incre
valuation in the county. The project would increase the Crandon school district
's equalized va
179% above the 1984 amount.

The impact of mine/mill development on assessed valuations for Nashville
and Lincoln Townsh
would offer a pronounced contrast because most of the development would be
in Lincoln Town
Approximately 2% of the total assessed project valuation would be in Nashville
during the firs
project years. This percentage would increase to 4% between project years
6-15, and level of
for the duration of the project. During the first five years of the project,
Nashville' s assesse(
valuation would increase a maximum of $5.5 million, or about 14%. In Lincoln
Township, how
project development by project year four would increase assessed valuation
by a factor of eigl
Following closure of the mine/mill and site reclamation, there would be a
commensurate reduc
assessed valuation in the four municipalities due to the absence of the mine/mill.

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