Natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tornadoes, extreme wind conditions,
and extremely higi
precipitation events are relatively rare. Project facilities have been designed
with certain marq
safety so that such occurrences would result in minimal damage, as discussed
above. Thus, these
natural events are low risk occurrences.


The following list of reagents (see Table 1-5) are proposed for use in the
ore flotation and water
treatment processes. They would be shipped by truck or rail to the site,
stored, and used as
previously indicated. A risk index or hazard analysis for each reagent is
not available. Howevei
reagents' characteristics and required emergency response procedures if a
spill occurred are

Sulfur Dioxide- A nonflammable gas which can explode when exposed to intense
heat. It is
potentially harmful when ingested, varying from irritation to lethal. Skin
contact is harmful.
Contact with water and intense heat may cause flash back and explosion. The
emergency respot
procedures in the event of a release are to evacuate an area within 1/4 mile
and approach the as
with self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Large amounts
of water with,
to prevent runoff would be used around the spill area while the container
is being repaired.

Copper Sulfate- A strong irritant and toxic if ingested. It is flammable
and would produce a bt
smoke when on fire. It is also soluble in water. The response is evacuate
the spill area and app
up-wind with self-contained breathing apparatus. The spill area should be
diked to avoid furth
contamination while container repair operations are conducted.

Sodium Cyanide- A poison which is harmful when ingested, inhaled, or comes
in contact with tsm
skin. A cloud of gas, dust, or smoke will form when released from container.
If ignited it coul
become flammable gas and burn with explosive force. The area should be evacuated
up to 1/2
and self-contained breathing apparatus and a chemical suit or splash suit
should be worn. Lar
amounts of water should be used to cool container tanks, and a dike should
be set up to handle

Polypropylene Glyco Methyl Ether- A liquid which is flammable and can explode
when exposed
intense heat. The response in the event of a spill or release is to dike
the spill area and condu
patching operations. Large amounts of water should be used to cool container
if it is located
fire. Responders should also use self-contained breathing apparatus near
the spill area.

Sodium Sulfide- A flammable solid which is potentially harmful when ingested,
breathed, or in
contact with skin. It is spontaneously combustible and will easily ignite
when released near a
source. In a hydrated or solution form it could cause frostbite when in contact
with compre
liquid gases. The response should be evacuate spill area and approach container
with self-con
breathing apparatus and chemical suit. The spill area should be diked and
large amounts of wa
used to cool tanks near a fire or used on the fire.,

Xanthates- These are salts and xanthic acid which are minor irritants. They
are soluble in w,
are a moderate fire risk. The response should be to dike area and use protective
clothing su
splash suit.

Zinc Sulfate- This will burn and can produce a poisonous gas. It could cause
burns to skin an&
The response procedures are to approach the spill area with self-contained
breathing appara
chemical suit. A dike should be set up to prevent further pollution. Water
should be used onl
container is in or near fire.

Starch- A carbohydrate polymer which is white, amorphous, and tasteless.
It is harmless by i

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