Sand and Deep Hole Lakes receive water input primarily from precipitation
and runoff from
Immediate watersheds. They are isolated from most groundwater input. The
low mineral
Pt of the soils in the area results in low nutrient and dissolved solids
in the runoff water which
Ps these lakes. Precipitation is also low in dissolved solids and nutrients.
Consequently, both
Sand and Deep Hole Lakes are low in total dissolved solids and nutrients,
low in pH, and poorly
red (mean alkalinity less than 6 mg/l (as CaCO3) in both lakes).

oIdition of groundwater would raise the pH of these systems closer to the
pH of the
oWater. Other indicators of the ionic content in natural waters, such as
hardness, alkalinity,
ictivity, and total dissolved solids (TDS) would be expected to increase
substantially over
wound lake levels. The degree of increase is dependent on the rate of groundwater
pumpage and
siunt of mixing that would occur between the groundwater and the lake water.

tal phosphorus concentration in the groundwater is similar to existing levels
in Little Sand and
Iole Lakes. Productivity increases (i.e., algal growth) are linked to changes
in phosphorus
  rates and resultant in-lake phosphorus concentrations. Since the in-lake
  trations would not be expected to change with the addition of groundwater,
increased algal
  s would not likely result.

  ity, conductivity and total dissolved solids (TDS) are other parameters
linked to the
  tivity of an aquatic ecosystem. Increases in these parameters would be
expected for Little
  d Deep Hole Lakes. The projected increases in alkalinity, conductivity,
TDS, and pH may
,n changes in algal species diversity.

-17 provides a summary of the expected changes in water chemistry of Deep
Hole, and Little
   es which would result at the specified groundwater pumpage rates. The
 ters considered were: iron, total phosphorus, nitrates, conductivity, alkalinity,
hardness, total
 ed solids and pH. The resultant in-lake concentrations for these parameters
were calculated
 ming total mixing of the lake water with the augmented groundwater.

 lowing mass balance equation was used to calculate changes in water quality
as a result of
 ater pumpage to Little Sand and Deep Hole Lakes for the conventional parameters
shown in


  CM =    The calculated in-lake concentration determined from the resultant
mixing of the
           lake and augmented groundwater.

  CL =    The average background lake concentration (from Volume VII of the
EIR (1982)).

  Cw =   The average groundwater quality from test wells in the stratified
draft (refer to
           Footnote 1 - Table 4-17).

   L=     The total lake water volume available for dilution as determined
through natural
           gains in runoff and precipitation. Based on expected and worst
case drawdown
           conditions, the total lake water volume available for dilution
would be 942 and 1155
           acre ft/year respectively for Little Sand Lake and 820 and 955
acre ft/year for Deep
           Hole Lake (based on projections from DNR lake models).

   Q w    The volume of groundwater augmentation under expected and worst
           conditions. For Little Sand Lakes, this would be 916 and 1144
acre ft/year, and for
           Deep Hole Lake, this would be 140 and 165 acre ft/year for expected
and worst case
           conditions, respectively (based on projections from DNR lake models).

   14 =   QL + QG W; this equates to the total lake water volume accounting
for the flushing

-   rate. For Little Sand Lake, it is 1858 and 2299 acre ft/year and for
Deep Hole Lake,
    it is 960 and 1120 acre ft/year for expected and worst case conditions,

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