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The   BLACK-BREASTED             INDIAN      PLOVER.
T     H I S Bird is fomething bigger than the Lapwing, it agrees pretty,
near in Size with our Englij  Grey and Green Plovers, being
fhap'd like them, except in its Legs, which are a pretty deal longer; it
is here drawn of its natural Bignefs; its Bill is of a middling Length, of
a pretty equal Thicknefs, black of Colour, ending in a Point, the
Middle of the Bill is not quite fo thick as it is at its Bafis and near the
Point; it hath on each Side an oblong Nofiril; the Crown of the Head
is Black with a green Glofs, thefe black Feathers reach an Inch beyond
the Head behind, and form a Creft; the Cheeks, hinder Part of the
Head, and two broad Lines down on each Side the Neck are White;
between the black Crown and the White in the Sides of the Head, are
placed the Eyes; the lower Part of the Neck behind, the whole Back
and Covert-feathers of the Wings, are of a brown Colour; the Tips of
the Rows of Coverts next above the Quills are White, the greater Quills
Black, the leffer next the Back, Brown; the Ridge of the Wing, fromn
the Bend downward, hath black and white Feathers intermixed; from the
Bill downward, on the Throat, and beginning of the Breaff, is drawn a
black Mark, which falls into the Black on the Preaft; the Breaft and
part of the Belly are Black, having a fine purple Glofs on the Breaft; the
Thighs, lower Belly, and Covert-feathers under the Tail are White;
the Feathers of the Tail are of equal Length, White at their Bottoms,
and Black acrofs the End, for the breadth of an Inch and a half; thle
Leas are lonaer than common in this kind of Birds ; it hath only thrce
Toes of a n1ioderate Length all fLanding forward; the Legs are bare of
Feathers a little way above the Knees; both Legs, Feet and Claws, arc
of a dirty dark Brown, inclining to Black.
I drew this from a Bird lent me by Mr. Peter Colinyfon, which wvas
fent in Spirits with other Birds from Gamron in Perfia. I wrote it from.
Bengal on the Plate, through a Miftake.