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The   B L A C K    P A R RO T froM       Madagafcar.
1     H I S Bird is about the Bignefs of the Aah-colour'd Parrot with
I    a red Tail, or a Tame Pigeon. The Bill is fhort and thick at the
Balis, bending downward as an Arch, the lower Mandible bending in the
fame manner upwards; the upper Mandible over-hangs the lower a
little, but much lefs than I have obferved it in forne other Parrots:
The Bafis of the upper Mandible is covered with a bare Skin, in which
are fituate the Nofirils, pretty high and near each other; both the Bill
and the Skin that covers it, were white, or light, yellowifh, Flefh-colour;
the Eyes had dark Irides, and a Space of bare white Skin round them:
The Head and whole Body, both upper and under Side, is of a black
or very dark, dirty, bluifh Colour, like the Colour of Pigeons, which
we call Black Pigeons, not like the Black of Crows: The upper Side of
the Wings is lighter, being only of a dark, Afh-colour; amongif the
Quill-feathers are intermixed three or four white Feathers in each Wing;
the Feathers of the Wings are pretty long; the Tail is very long, for one
whofe Tail-feathers are of equal Length as this is, they having generally
very fhort Tails; that kind of Parrots, whofc Tail-feathers are of un-
equal Lengths, are as remarkable for very long Tails; the Legs are very
fhort, and the Toes fituate two backward and two forward, as in all
the Parrot-kind; they are cover'd with a rough, fcaley Skin, of a dirty
Flefh-colour; the Claws are firong, crooked and black.
This Bird was firfi Sir Charles TWager's, and was prefented by him to
his Grace the Duke of Richmond, who employ'd me to make a Draught
of it for him, and permitted me to take another for myfelf. It was a
very gentle Bird, always choofing to be on the Hand, and when taken on
the Hand, it would often repeat the Ad of Treading, which makes me
think itwas a Cock-Bird.  I believe it hath not yet been defcribed.

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