( 271 )

a native of the Ifle of Banda, where they
call it Kroon-Voogel. Briffon has figured
and deferibed this Bird, and I am per-
fuaded it was from one of thofe very Birds
prefented to the Princefs of Orange; for
he concludes his defcription by faying it
was brought from the Ifle of Banda, and
prefented to the Princefs of Orange, who
presented it to Mr. Reaumur; which was,
I fuppofe, after it was dead, as the colour
of the eyes are not given, and the creft
feems to be flattened in the carriage, ac-
cording to his figure; which fee in Briffon's
Ornithology, Vol. I. Tab. vi. Fig. i. Pag.
278. He calls it Le Faifan Couronne des
Andes. I do not wonder that Briffon places
it among Pheafants, as he did not fee it
alive, to judge of its genus from its manner
of afding.  The fize of the Bird deter-
mnined him to place it with Pheafants, &c.
But Mr. Loten hw affured me, that it is
properly a Pigeon, and has all the action
and voice of a Pigeon in its cooing, court-
ing, and billing with its female. I mull
confefs I fhould never have looked for a
Pigeon in fo large a Bird without fuch
infbrmation.  I had engraved this plate
before Mr. Briffon's Ornithology came to
my hands.

II f natif de l'Ifle de Banda, ou les Hol-
landois l'appellent Kroon - Voogel. Bri2on
a decrit et figure' cet OQfau, et jejuis per-
fuade' quejfon defein a e'tfait d 'apres un de
ces memes Of/eaux; parce qu'il dit que /on
Of'reau venoit de l'IJ/e de Banda, et qu'i/ a
ete' prefente a' la Prince/P d'Orange, qui
I'a donne' enfuite a Mr. de Reaumur: c'otot
appareniment apres que I'Of/'au fut mort,
car la couleur des yeux n'WJI point exprime'e,
et la crete paroft avoir e'te applathe.  Joyez
en la Jigure dans l'Ornitci'oqgie de Bri/on,
Vol. I. Planche vi. Fig. i. Page 278. II
I'a.ppele Le Fa/izn Couronn 'des Inzdis. 'ye
juis point etonne' que M1r. Brqon le range
parmi les Phaffans, parce qu'il ne l'a point
vu vivant, pour juger par jfs a17ions de
fon efjtece, et la grofqur deo l'Oi/'au l'a
pui deterrii/ler 4' le placer parmii les .1h'afans.
M.ais le Gouverneur Loten rn'a af21r6', que
c'o proprement Un Pigeon, de quu il a tous
les gefis et tous les tons ou roulemens en
carefintfa femelle. 7 'avoue que je n'urois
jamais fonge' n2 trozuver un Pigeon dans un
Ofeazu de cette grofur fJns une telle in for-
mation. X'avois gravie cette planche avant
qu2e l'Ornithologie de M. Brz/Pn me fitt

C H A P.


P L A.

VTe Pigeon from the Ifle of Nicobar.
T  I S Bird is reduced below its natural
1fize, in order to bring it into the
copper-plate. It appeared to me to be
about the fize of a common tanie Pigeon.

Le Pigeon de 1'fic de Nicobar.
LE S dimenfions de cet Oyfeau font retre-
L   cies ici, pour que la figure n'excedat
pas ics bornes de la plancbe.  L'Offeau mne
paro f/Pit a peu pres de la gro/eur d'wz
Pigeon ordizaie.
