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The    GREATE R        IND I A N    C R A N E.
TJ H I S is a very large and flately Bird, I believe bigger than the
common Crane, and hath a longer Bill in Proportion; it walks
with a very grave and folemn Air ; its Height, as it flands or walks,
without extending the Neck greatly, is about five Feet. Mr. Wil/ughly
has defcrib'd an Indian Crane which ferns to be much lefs than this,
and a quite different Bird; fo I thought the Greater Indian Crane might
be a Name proper enough for this Bird; it fed on Barley and other Grain,
but by reafon of the Length and Sharpnefs of the Bill, it could not
gather the Grain into its Mouth without jerking back its Head pretty
quick, and catching the Grain into its Mouth after it had taken it in the
Point of its Bill ; the Bill is long and pretty thick toward the Head,
ending in a (harp Point, of a greenith Yellow-colour, dusky at the
Tip, having on each Side an oblong Noftril -pretty near the Middle,
tho' nearer the Head than the Point; the Eyes are of a bright hazel or
redifh Colour; the Head, and a fmall Part of the Neck, are cover'd
with a bare Skin, of a fine red Colour; about the Bafe of the Bill, under
the Chin, and all round the beginning of the Neck, or hinder Part of
the Head, it is thin fet with fine black hair-like leathers, a fmall Space
of the Neck remaining quite bare below it; the Crown of the Head,
and two Spots by the Ears are White, and bare of Feathers; the Neck
is very long, cover'd in the upper Part with white Feathers, which
gradually become Ath-colour towards its Bottom ; the Neck feathers
are not fo long and loofe as in Herons ; the whole Body, Wings and Tail,
except the greater or outer Quills of the Wings, are Afh-colour, fome-
thing lighter on the J3reaft th.an on the Back and Wings; the Quills -re
Black, and extend themfelves, when the Wings are clofed, of almoft
equal Length with the Tail ; the Iegs are very long and bare of Feathers
for a good Space above the Knees; it hath three Toes ftanding forward,
of a moderate Length, and a fmall back Toe; both Legs and Feet are
of a red Colour like thofe of Pigeons, the Claws black.
This Bird I drew fromi the Life at Sir Charles AVt~er's, who afterwards
presented it to Dr. Mead. It was brought front the Eafi Indies.
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