McESSY               SCHLUETER               HARPER
    Fond du Lac, 1st      Fond du Lac, 2nd            Grant
  EARL F. McESSY (Rep.) born Feb. 12, 1913 in Fond du Lac. Grad-
uated Fond du Lac county rural school and Fond du Lac High School;
B.S. Marquette University, 1939. Born and raised on a farm in Fond
du Lac township; worked as factory laborer for several years and
has extensive experience as a small businessman. Formerly purchas-
ing agent, traffic officer, undersheriff; presently engaged in real
estate and insurance business. Red Cross fund chairman 1955-56; com-
munity chest committee member 1954-55; president local P.T.A. 1953-55;
vice president Central Council of Education 1953-55. Lieutenant in
navy 1942-46, with South Pacific amphibious forces; 7 battle stars,
3 citations. Elected to assembly 1956. Home Address: 361 Forest Ave.,
Fond du Lac.
  Fond du Lac County, 1st district: Town of Fond du Lac; village of
North Fond du Lac; city of Fond du Lac.

  FRED W. SCHLUETER (Rep.) born Berlin Apr. 16, 1895. Educated
public schools; attended insurance short courses, University of Wis-
consin. Farmer and general insurance agent. Clerk of Town of Ripon
since 1928. Member board of directors of Ripon Farmers Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. 1936; president 1942-49; secretary since 1949. Director
Ripon Chamber of Commerce. Serving 2nd term in legislature. Member
Assembly Committees on Agriculture and Taxation       1955 and 1957.
Home Address: P.O. Box 32, Ripon.
  Fond du Lac, 2nd district: Towns of Alto, Ashford, Auburn, Byron,
Calumet, Eden, Eldorado, Empire, Forest, Friendship, Lamartine, Marsh-
field, Metomen, Oakfield, Osceola, Ripon, Rosendale, Springvale, Tay-
cheedah, W"aupun; villages of Brandon, Campbellsport, Eden, Fairwater,
Oakfield, Rosendale, St. Cloud; city of Ripon, and 5th, 6th wards city
of Waupun.

  HUGH HARPER       (Rep.) born Dec. 24, 1885 at Lancaster. Attended
Lancaster elementary   schools, Madison  Central High   School; B.A.
University of Wisconsin 1907; attended University of Wisconsin agri-
cultural courses 1907-10. Active in athletics in university, serving 3
years on basketball team. For 6 years with Company F, 3rd Wiscon-
sin Regiment and member of Company F's 1910 A.A.U. champion bas-
ketball team. Retired farmer. Former member Oak Grove school
board; former town chairman; president Wisconsin County Boards
Assn. 1937-38. Member American     Society of Equity and secretary
1919-22; secretary and president Grant County Farm Bureau 1922-30;
member Wisconsin Farm Bureau. board of directors 1923-30 and presi-
dent of Bureau 1926-28. Assemblyman 1931, 1933, 1935, 1945, 1947, 1949,
1951; re-elected 1956. Home Address: 1016 -"?. Maple St., Lancaster.