6. Prepares specifications for safety of construction for electric,
     gas, and telephone utilities and railroads.
  7. Makes valuations of utility property for rate, security issue,
     and acquisition purposes; supervises maintenance of con-
     tinuing property records of utility property.
  8. Makes recommendations as to joint use of facilities of rail-
     roads (use by more than one railroad) and of utilities (where
     utility offers more than one service, as gas and electric or
     electric and water).
  9. Deals with petitions or complaints relating to establishment,
     closing, or protection at railroad-highway crossings.
 10. Investigates water power and navigation matters, such as
     lake levels, obstructions in navigable waters, measurement of
     stream flow, and plans for proposed water power structures
     and their operation.
 11. Inspects dams and reviews plans submitted for their con-
     struction or repair.
Accounts and Finance Department Functions
   1. Audits the books, accounts and annual reports of gas, electric,
     telephone and water public utilities.
   2. Designs uniform systems of accounts for all Wisconsin public
     utilities and prepares any required interpretations of those
     systems; joins with accounting departments of other state
     and federal commissions in formulating uniform accounting
   3. Installs and advises on new utility accounting systems.
   4. Investigates and studies utility applications for authority to
     issue stocks, bonds and all other forms of securities.
   5. Makes investigations of utilities' proposals to purchase, con-
      solidate or merge with other utility companies.
   6. Recommends annual depreciation rates for public utilities.
   7. Investigates financial arrangements between utility affiliated
     interests which require commission approval.
   8. Prepares and presents exhibits and testimony in rate cases
      and other proceedings before the commission.
   9. Conducts research in cost of capital for reference in rate of
      return studies.
Rates and Research Department Functions
   1. Investigates and recommends rates and rules and analyzes
      costs of telephone, electric, gas and water utilities.
   2. Handles complaints involving utility rates and rules and
      extension of service to prospective customers.
   3. Discusses problems and complaints and advises in informal
      conferences with utility representatives or utility customers.
   4. Prepares technical reports and   recommendations in con-
     nection with formal utility proceedings.
   5. Investigates applications of electric utilities to extend rural
      distribution lines.