MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY                         53

       FRICKER               DUFFEY                PELLANT
    Milwaukee, 15th       Milwaukee, 16th       Milwaukee, 17th

  EARLE W. FRICKER       (Rep.) born Feb. 16, 1926. Educated Mil-
waukee elementary schools and Washington High School; attended
Lawrence College; B.S. Marquette University; LL.B. Marquette Uni-
versity Law School 1950. Practicing attorney. Formerly real estate
broker and iron worker. Member American Legion, Kiwanis, Junior
Chamber of Commerce, Marquette Alumni Ass'n., Burleigh Street Busi-
nessmen's Ass'n., Navy Club, Trinity Men's Club, Y.M.C.A., state, Mil-
waukee and Junior Bar Ass'ns., and other associations. U.S. navy 31/2-
years, World War II. Elected to assembly 1954 and 1956. Author
1957 daylight savings time bill. Business Address: 4410 W. Burleigh
St., Milwaukee.
  Milwaukee County, 15th district: 15th ward, city of Milwaukee.

  THOMAS J. DUFFEY (Dem.) born Milwaukee Dec. 26, 1927. Grad-
uated St. Rose Graded School, Marquette University High School;
Marquette University Ph.B. 1950 and LL.B. Marquette University Law
School 1952. Engaged in private practive of law in Milwaukee. Mem-
ber numerous civic, fraternal and veterans' organizations including
Wis. and Milwaukee Bar Assns., Eagles, American Legion, Amvets.
Elected to assembly 1954; re-elected 1956. Home Address: 210 N. 90th
St., Milwaukee.
  Milwaukee County, 12th district: 12th ward, city of Milwaukee.

  HOWARD F. PELLANT (Dem.) born in Milwaukee July 23, 1911.
Attended grade school, high school, vocational school. Former occu-
pations include foundry employe, tavern proprietor, insurance agent,
bakery salesman, meat cutter, clerk. Presently international repre-
sentative U.A.W.-C.I.O. Former member Milwaukee County      Health
and  Welfare   Committee;   chairman  Milwaukee   County   Property
Owners for Public Housing Committee. Member Wisconsin committee
on the Hoover commission for reorganization of the federal government.
Elected to assembly 1952; re-elected 1954 and again in 1956. Home
Address: 3801 S. Kansas Ave., Milwaukee.
  Milwaukee County, 17th district: 17th ward, city of Milwaukee.

MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY                         53