Chickens raised on farms in 1956 ................ 18,364,000
      Eggs (produced  in 1956) ........................ 2,418,000,000
      Commercial broilers produced
        in 1956  ...................................................... 
      Turkeys raised in 1956 .................................... 2,543,000
      Chicks hatched by commercial
         hatcheries, 1956 ........................................  28,245,000
  Dane County had the most cattle while Marathon County had the
most milk cows. Marathon County also had the most horses and
mules. Grant County had the most hogs and stock sheep. Dane
County led in the number of chickens.
  On January 1, 1957 Wisconsin had 11 per cent of the nation's
milk cows. It is interesting to note that in 1951 Wisconsin had more
than 200,000 horses and mules as compared to 69,000 in January
of 1957.

                        Milk Production

  Because Wisconsin leads the nation in dairy cattle, it may be ex-
pected to lead in milk production. In 1956 the United States pro-
duced 126,952,000,000 pounds of milk. Of that 17,236,000,000
pounds were produced in Wisconsin. This was the highest produc-
tion in one year in the history of the state and more than 600,000,000
pounds over the 1955 output. Wisconsin produced 14 per cent of all
milk produced in the United States. Of this 1,178,263,000 pounds
were shipped out of the state in the form of milk.

  How was this distributed over the months?
             1956                           Pounds
           January                       1,380,000,000
           February                      1,410,000,000
           March                         1,589,000,000
           April                         1,653,000,000
           June                          1,786,000,000
           July                          1,526,000,000
           August                        1,324,000,000
           September                     1,171,000,000
           October                       1,141,000,000
           November                      1,171,000,000
           December                     1,305,000,000

  Wisconsin milk production by year
           1949 ..........................  15,383,000,000  pounds
           1950 ..........................  15,624,000,000  pounds
           1951 ..........................  15,823,000,000  pounds
           1952 ..........................  15,396,000,000  pounds
           1953 ..........................  15,979,000,000  pounds
           1954 ..........................  16,305,000,000  pounds
           1955 ..........................  16,579,000,000  pounds
           1956 ..........................  17,236,000,000  pounds
  What is the milk used for? In 1955, 16,579,000,000 pounds of