The functions of the board, committees of examiners and the
department include:

  1. Board
     a. Establishes minimum standards for accredited schools of
        professional and practical nursing.
     b. Accredits schools of nursing and agencies offering a part
        of the educational program.
     c. Publishes a list of accredited schools of nursing.
     d. Promotes the professional education of registered nurses
        by providing for scholarships, seminars and distribution of
        technical information which will improve the standards of
        the nursing profession.
  2. Committee of Examiners for Nurses. Prescribes rules, sub-
     ject to approval of the State Board of Nursing, for the ex-
     aminations for registered professional nurses and conducts
     the examinations.
  3. Committee of Examiners for Trained Practical Nurses. Pre-
     scribes rules, subject to approval of the State Board of
     Nursing, for examinations for trained practical nurses and
     conducts the examinations.
  4. Department
     a. Enforces the law and rules of the board and the exam-
        ining committees relating to nursing.
     b. Surveys   potential schools   of nursing   and   associated
     c. Resurveys accredited schools and agencies.
     d. Serves as consultant to existing and potential educational
        programs in nursing; persons seeking registration or li-
        censure in other jurisdictions; and persons seeking infor-
        mation    regarding  accredited  schools throughout the
      e. Processes applications and renewals for registration or
      f. Assists registered nurses and trained practical nurses of
        other jurisdictions and foreign countries to qualify for
        registration and licensure in Wisconsin. Issues certificates
        and licenses to such persons.
      g. Issues certificates of registration and licenses to persons
        who qualify by examination.
     h. Conducts hearings for removal of schools from   the ac-
        credited list and for the revocation of certificates of reg-
        istration and licenses.
      i. Administers the scholarship fund.
      j. Makes studies relating to nursing and nursing education.


Members: DANIEL B. FAST, president; A. N. ABBOTT, vice president;
    NEWTON E. W. LENZ, secretary; P. G JACOBSON; E. D. LA COLRSE.