WISCONSIN IN 1958                       131

  The 3 largest single categories of retail establishments are drink-
ing places of which there were 9,897, grocery stores of which there
were 5,956 and gasoline service stations of which there were 4,916.
It is interesting to note that the only type of retail outlet which de-
clined in number between 1948 and 1954 were the grocery stores
which were reduced by over 1,000, the sellers of automobiles and
other automobile equipment which declined by less than 100 and
drinking places which declined by 800.
  The cities with the greatest number of retail establishments were
as follows:

                 Milwaukee   ...... ..................  8,513
                 Madison ................1,256
                 R acine ................................  1,021
                 Green  Bay ............................  930
                 K enosha ................................  833
                 La  Crosse .............................. 792
                 Sheboygan  ............................  643
                 W est Allis ...........................  591
                 Appleton  .............................  546
                 Fond  du Lac .......................... 540
                 Eau  Claire ...........................  513
                 Superior ................................  506

                         Service Agencies

  The third category of commerce which must be considered is that
of services. In 1954 there were 17,146 establishments in the state
which provided various types of services. 40,991 people were en-
gaged in this, of whom 31,638 worked a full work week.
   Service agencies include many things varying from advertising
agencies to watch repairing. The major categories of these services
are as follows:
                                    No. of Est.  Total Employes
     Total                            17,146         40,991
       Personal services               6,499         14,306
       Business services               1,684           5,065
       Auto repairs, garages           1,788           2,166
       Misc. repair                    2,837           1,983
       Amusement, recreation           1,931         10,098
       Hotels, motels, etc.            2,407           7,373

  A comparison between the number of agencies providing specific
personal services in 1948 and 1954 reveals the following interesting