Vote                                                  Electoral Vote
                           Steven-     Eisen-   Andrews             Holtwick
            Hass     Dobbs                            Steven-   Eisen-
      State                  son       hower     (Consti-   Byrd     (Prohi-
 Hoopes     (Soc.     (Soc.                            son      hower
                            (Dem.)     (Rep.)    tution)    (Ind.)   bition)
  (Soc.)   Labor)   Worker)    Others      Total      (Dem.)    (Rep.)
South  Dakota  ................ 122,288 171,569     ......    ............
                ......    ......             293,857                4
Tennessee  ........................ 456,507 462,288  ...... ...         789
               ......    ......o 19,820     939,404                 11
Texas  .....................859,958   1,080,619   14,591      ...iiii   
             .     .....     ....    ...      1,955,168     ......    24
Utah  ............... .......118,364   215,631       -....      .       ......
  ......    ......    ......   ......    333,995                4
Vermont.    ................. 42,549   110,390      ......    o.....    ....o.
  ......     .......                     152,978      ......     3
Virginia ........................... 267,760 386,459 ..... ..... ...... 
        .....               351    43,40812    697,978      ....       12
W ashington  ................... 523,002 620,430     ..       .....     ..
      ......   7,457      ......   ......   1,150,889     ......     9
W est Virginia ................ . 381,534 449,297                       
        ............                 ......    830,831      ......     8
W isconsin1iS...................... 586,768 954,844 6,918     ......    ......
  754       710       564      ......   1,550,558     o.....     12
W yom ing  ........................ 49,554 74,573   ...... ......       ......
  ......    ..... .   .....    .....     124,127      ......     3
      Total ...................... 25,738,765  35,581,003  30,999  72,235
 41,937 846   41,159  5,549  216,738  62,027,040     73      457

 1 Votes for T. Coleman Andrews.
 ,2A. C. P. of Iowa Party votes.
 3 Magoffin County, Ky., vote does not include absentee ballots.
 4 States' Rights votes.
 5 Industrial Government votes.
 6 Mississippi Black and Tan Grand Old Party votes.
 7 Includes 5,317 votes for Conservative Party and 1,829 votes for American
Third Party.
 8 Votes for New Party.
 O Votes for For America Party.
 10 Militant Workers votes.
11 By petition.
12 Includes 42,964 votes for States' Rights Party and 444 votes for Virginia
Social Democratic Party.
13 The Wisconsin vote for independent candidates broken down among 4 candidates
in accordance with data from Wisconsin Secretary of State.
    Source: Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election of
Nov. 6, 1956, compiled under direction of Clerk of U. S. House of Representa-
            tives, 1957, p. 50-51; and 1957 World Almanac, p. 49. Omitted
in copying: vote for Liberal candidate 292,557, write-in and scattering
            votes; electoral vote for Walter B. Jones of Ala.

