
or administrators who may receive them will be removed from their posts by
authorities on whom they depend.
  ART. 2'2. The banks existing at present in the departments will make the
mentioned in the nineteenth article to the prefect of the department, who
will at once
authorize the issue asked for according to this decree, informing the finance
The banks which may afterward be organized in the departments will also ask
the authorization of the supreme government.
  ART. 3. It is understood that the term allowed for the deposit of bonds
by the
depart mentalbanks will be extended thirty days beyond that fixed for those
of Lima;
the.deposit will be made in the form and at the places fixed by this decree,
making any distinction between those of Lima or those of the departments.
  The minister of state in charge of the portfolio of finance and commerce
is charged
with the carrying out of this decree, causing it also to be published and
  Given in the government-house in Lima, on the eighteenth day of December
of the
year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three.
                                                           MANUEL PARDO.

                         Mode of requesting authorization.
  YouR EXCELLENCY: (Name of managers,) directors of the bank (name of bank)
  established (name of place) by a public document drawn up (date) with a
capital of
  the amount of (nominal capital) has been collected, ask from your excellency
  zation to issue a quantity of bank-notes, payable to bearer, according
to the disposi-
  tions and enjoying the privileges conceded by the decree of the 18th of
December, 1870.

                      Decree of Secretary of Treasury Carrillo.
                                                       LIMA, December 18,
   In compliance with the clauses of the law of the 29th of April of the
current year,
 it is hereby resolved-
   1st. A special issue will be made of treasury bonds for the sum of s6,000,000
on the
 conditions set forth in the following articles.
   2d. The bonds of this issue will be of 10,000, of 1,000, and of 100 soles,
divided in
 series, numbered and issued to bearer.
   3d. The bonds will be registered in the audit office and bear the rubric
of the finance
 minister, and the signatures of the director of the audit office and of
the chief of the
 .section of credit.
   4th. The bonds will gain interest at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum,
payable every
 three months, on the 31st of March, the 30th of June, the 30th of September,
and the
 31st of December in each year.
   5th. The bonds will bear date January 2, 1873, and will be redeemed at
par, either
 in part or entirely, from the 2d of January to the 30th of June, 1876ý
but in the mean
 time theywill be considered as current money, and as such will be received
in the pub-
 lic offices, according to the dispositions of the law which creates them.
   6th. The treasury bonds of this issue are intended to constitute a guarantee-deposit
 of the banks of issue, and will be sold by the treasury of Lima at 92 per
   Let this be registered, communicated, and published.
   By the President

                                    No. 513.

                           Mr. Thomas to Mr. is4.

 NO. 8101                                UNITED STATES LEGATION,
               O. . Lm Peru, January 26, 1874.  (Received February 23.)
    SIR: Insurrectionary movein0nts are so frequent in all South Amer-
 ican republics that I have not supposed it, necessary to report to the
 Secretary of State several which have occurred in Peru since the in.