
shall be liable to imprisonment for any time not exceeding twelve days, with
without a fine not exceeding $12, without imprisonment.
  3. Any British subject who nhall.1ill or take anyganle. without having
obtained a
license so to do for the current. year, shall be deemed guilty of an offense,
and, upon
conviction thereof before any British consular or other court, shall be liable
to im-
prisonment for any term not exceeding twenty days, with or without hard labor,
with or without a fine not exceeding $20 without imprisonment.
  4. If any British subject shall be discovered killing or taking any game,
or using
any dog, gun, net, or other engine or instrument for the purpose of killing
or taking
any game, it shall be lawful for any person to demand or require from such
subject the production of a license to kill game, issued to him, and such
British sub-
ject is hereby required to produce such license to the person so demanding
the pro-
duction thereof, and to permit him to inspect the same; and if such British
shall, after such demand made, 'willfully refuse to produce and show a license
to kill
game, issued to him, or if he shall produce any false or fictitious license
not issued to
him for the current year, or if he shall refuse to permit any license which
he may pro-
duce to be inspected, he shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and, upon
thereof before any British consular or other court, shall be liable to imprisonment
any term not exceeding twelve days, with or without hard labor, and with
or without
fine not exceeding $12 without imprisonment.
. 5. Any British subject convicted under these regulations, or under the
shooting regu-
lations of the 17th day of August, 1871, shall, in addition to any other
punishment in-
flicted on him, forfeit his license for the then current year.
  6. Any British sulbject who shall, with intent to destroy any game at any
time, put,
or cause to be put, any poison on any ground where game usually resort, or
in any
highway, shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and, upon conviction thereof
be fore
any British consular or other court, shall be liable to imprisonment for
any time not
exceeding twelve days, with or without hard labor, and with or without a
fine not
exceeding $12, or to a fine not exceeding $12 without imprisonment.

             [Inclosure 4 in No. 415.-Government Gazette No. 10, January
20, 1S73.]

Japanese regulations for hanting birds and beasts, with critical notations
of British minister.

  Regulations for controlling the issue of licenses to hunt birds and beasts
been enacted, as shown in the accompanying document, you will publish them
where throughout the limits of your jurisdiction.
I If any persons apply for licenses you will ascertain what standing they
possess, and
also whether there is any obstacle in the vicinity. Should there be no objection
will issue a license to hunt birds and beasts, and be careful to exercise
proper control.
  The tax upon hunting which has hitherto been levied is now abolished, and
regulations are substituted for rule 6 of the rules promulgated in No. 28,
with refer-
ence to the possession of fire-arms.
  Iten. You will ascertain the names of places wherein bunting birds and
beasts has
hitherto been permitted, and report to the treasury by the month of July,
also to the war office upon those wherein hunting with fire-arms is permitted.
  NOTE.-You will also draw up a report with the object of prohibiting hunting
in places
where, though permission has been granted, there may be objections on the
part of
the inhabitants, and send it in the same way as directed in the text.
   Item. You will draw up an- annual report of the names of persons who have
licensed to hunt birds and beasts, whether under the former regulations or
the new, and
report to the treasury by the month of December, reporting the names of those
hunt with fire-arms to the war office also.
   Item. The license tax will b& paid into the treasury on each occasion
of its collection,
 and you will send in also to that department, in December of each year,
a register
 showing the persons licensed for the year. Tie total is to be inserted in
the miscel
 laneous-taxes statement, and added on to the account of annual taxes paid.
 Item. Each person who applies for a new license shall pay the whole amount
of the
 tax for one year, whether he apply early or late.
   Item. A report showing the fines levied during the whole year, and the
 of each case, shall also be sent in to the judicial board.
 Item. The form of licenses must be complied with, and specimens of the brand
 hailf stamps henceforth in use, sent in to the treasury.

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