1006                         FOREIGN RELATIONS.

                                    [Inclosure 3.1

Report and manifest of the cargo laden at the port of New York on board the
steamship Vir-
          ginius, whereof Shepperd is master, (or conductor,) bound for Curagoa.
                                [441 tonnage. 31 crew.]

Marks. Nos.


Packages and

Barrels bread...
Boxes saddlery..
Trunks clothing.



13,600 $680
   .... 400
   .. . . 350


*E~    * t"


   a a

.-..... ..
. . . . .


To be landed at-


  WOOD, NIEBUHR & Co., 18 EXCHANGE PLACE, NeV York, Oct. 4,1870.
                        NOTE.--See instructions on the other side.
                                                                 F. E. SHEPPERDh
  [Int. rev. stamps, $3.]

                          M-laster's oath on clear~ng oitwards.

  I, F. E. Shepperd, master or commander of the steamship Virginius, bound
from the
port of New York to Curagoa, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear that
the mani-
fest of the cargo on board the said steamship, now delivered by me to the
collector of
this district, and subscribed with my name, contains, according to the best
of my
knowledge and belief, a full, just, and true account of all the goods, wares,
and mer-
chandise now actually laden on board the said vessel, and of the value thereof;
and if
any other goods, wares, and merchandise shall be laden or put on board the
said steam-
ship previous to her sailing from this port, I will immediately report the
same to the
said collector. I do also swear that I verily believe the duties on all the
foreign mer-
chandise therein specified have been paid or secured according to law, and
that no
part thereof is intended to be relanded within the United States, and that
if, by dis-
tress or other unavoidable accident, it shall become necessary to reland
the same, I
will forthwith make a just and true report thereof to the collector of the
customs of
the district wherein such distress or accident may happen. I do furthermore
that I have not received on board said vessel, and have not under my care
or within
my control, and that I will not receive and convey, any letters or letter-packets
dressed to any foreign country which have not been delivered to me from the
office, except such as relate to the cargo and are addressed to the owner
or consignee
of said vessel, or such as are inclosed in a United States stamped envelope
of a denom-
ination sufficient in amount to cover the United States postage legally chargeable
thereon, if the same had been posted and transmitted by the regular mail.
And said
cargo is truly intended to be landed at the port of Curacoa. So help me God.
                                                              F. E. SHEPPERD.
  Sworn to before me this 4th day of October, 1870.
                                                            W. A. MORRIS,
                                                                 Deputy Collector.
  J. A. I.

  The outward manifests'must correspond in every particular with the special
or part
  Column number I should embrace all domestic merchandise, whether exported
bond under the internal-revenue act or otherwise ;" also, to include
all manufactures
from foreign products, such as cordage from foreign hemp, sugar refined from
sugar, coffee and spices having been ground or adulterated, &c., &c.
  Column number 2 should embrace all foreign merchandise "free' or "not
  Column number 3 should embrace all foreign merchandise exported from "bonded
warehouse," duties remaining unpaid, or which, having been paid, are
"returnable as