1-170                  FOREIGN RELATIONS

interests of these countries in Egypt are very great,"and the reform
been accepted by them only after mature consideration. So far as I
know, there is not a single foreign representative here, unless it be the
Greek, who has lately arrived, who is not personally in favor of the proj-
ect; and a knowledge of the existing state of things in Egypt would
convince the greatest stickler for consular authority of its necessity for
the good administration of justice.
  A few of the nationalities represented here support regular organizedi
consular courts of law, presided over by judges competent to administer
justice according to the laws ,bf their respective governments. Such
courts are maintained oniy-byEngland, France, and Italy. With the
thirteen other countries represented here by consuls-general, justice is
administered by the coonsul-general or his vice-consul-general, or who-
ever may be delegated"for the purpose or happen to find himself in
charge, I do nott knw04that- it is a very serious reflection on the con-
sular corps of Egypt to say that, as a rule, justice is not administered
their courts. Legal attainments are not always made a test of appoint-
ment tothese positions, and even the best legal mind might be confused
with sixteen different codes of laws to deal with. Besides, several of the-
consuls-general in Egypt are not natives of the countries they represent,
and have a very imperfect knowledge of their laws.

  From this state of things results legal chaos, and the
nals are choked with thousands of cases which, owing to
diction, unjust decisions, lack of executive power, &c.,
settled until some reform is introduced.
  The guarantees given by the Egyptian government ii



reform now proposed appear to be ample, and the probation clause
removes all apprehension of a permanent mistake being made. Every
feature of the proposed reform was so ably represented to the De-
partment by my predecessor, Mr. Hale, at the time the subject was.,
under discussion in Egypt, and by Mr. Boker, during the consideration
of the project by the commission at Constantinople, that I need enter
into no details. The subject has not been officially considered in Egypt
since I have been here until now. Now, hhowever, that his excellency
Nubar Pasha has returned to Egypt, the base of operations has again
changed to Cairo, and it becomes desirable that I should know exactly
how far our government has committed itself to the project.
  The speedy acceptance of the judiciary reform now under considera-
tion by all the powers' iwould be an act of mercy to Egypt, and it would
be a great satisfaction to-me to be able to assure His Highness that we
have accepted it in all its details, subject only to the approval of the
ate, and that the matter will be submitted to the consideration of that
body as soon as it shall have assembled.
                                                R. BEARDSLEY.

                              No. 785.
                      Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish.
No. 128.]                AGENCY AND CONSULATE GENERAL
                             OF THE UNITED STATES IN EGYPT,
                  Cairo, Seeptember 16, 1873. (Received Octobe; 13.)
  SIR: Au incident of considerable importance, as affecting the slavery
question in Egypt, has lately occurred at M Auasourah in Lower Egypt.