No. 347.
                Mr. Cadwalader to Sir Edward Thornton.
                                   DEPARTM:ENT OF, STATE,
                                        Washington, November 5, 1874.
   SIR1: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the
28th ultimo, informing this Department of the result of the investigation
made by the commission appointed to inquire into the conduct of the
police authorities at Malta, with reference to the African slave trade
alleged to be carried on between Tripoli and Constantinople through
that island, and suggesting that it would be far more conducive to the
detection of any case of real slave dealing, if the United States consular
authorities were to communicate in a more unreserved manner than ap-
pears to have been done in this case, by the consul at Tripoli, whose
representations led to this investigation, with British officials.
       I have,.&c.,
                                     JOHN L. CADWALADER,
                                                      Acting Secretary.

                                 No. 348.
                    Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish.
               WASHINGTON, November 13, 1874. (Received Nov. 13.)
  SIR: With reference to your note of the 17th of January last, trans-
mitting copies of the Treasury Regulations governing the transportation
of dutiable merchandise between the Dominion of Canada and the United
States, I have already had the honor to inform you that I had forwarded
those documents to the Governor-General of Canada.
  I have now the honor to inclose copies of a dispatch and of its inclos-
ures, which I have received from his excellency in reply to my commu-
nication on the above subject.
       I have, &c.,
                                               EDWID THORNITON.

No. 46.1             Lord Dufferin to Sir Edward Thornton.
                                          CANADA GOVERNMENT HousE,
                                                   Ottawa, November 9, 1874.
  SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of two orders of the
privy. coun-
cil of Canada, having reference to the regulations governing the transportation
dutiable merchandise between the Dominion and the United States, under the
of Washington and the acts giving effect thereto.
  One of these minutes conveys the approval of my government of the regulations
posed by the United States Treasury, a copy of which was inclosed in your
No. 5,.of 19th January last, and the other recommends the adoption of corresponding
regulations prepared in the department of the minister of customs, a draft
copy of
which is appended to the order in council for your information.
      I have, &c.,
Copy of a report of a committee of the honorable the privy council, approved
by hi8 excellency
                  the governor-general on the 4th November, 1874.
  The committee of council have had under consideration the dispatch No.
5, dated
January 19, 1874, from Her Majesty's minister at Washington, transmitting
copies of a
note from the Secretary of State of the United States of the 14th of that
month, in-
closing copies of the proposed regulations adopted by the Treasury Department,
Wash -
ington, to govern the transportation of dutiable merchandise between the
Dominion of
Canada and the United StateĀ§, under the treaty of Washington and the
acts of Congress
therein referred to.
  The honorable the minister of customs, to whom the above-mentioned regulations